Versions Compared


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The cutadapt usage says that output can be written to a file using the -o option

    cutadapt -a ADAPTER [options] [-o output.fastq] input.fastq

But the brackets around [-o output.fastq] suggest this is optional. Reading a bit further we see:

... Without the -o option, output is sent to standard output.

This suggests output can be specified in 2 ways:

  • to a file, using the -o option
    • cutadapt -a CGTAATTCGCG -o trimmed.fastq  small.fq
  • to standard output without the -o option
    • cutadapt -a CGTAATTCGCG small.fq > 1> trimmed.fastq

Where does cutadapt read its input from by default? How can that be changed? Can the input FASTQ be in compressed format?


The cutadapt usage says an input.fastq file is a required argument:

    cutadapt -a ADAPTER [options] [-o output.fastq] input.fastq

But again, reading a bit further we see:

Input may also be in FASTA format. ...                           Compressed input and output is supported and
auto-detected from the file name (.gz, .xz, .bz2). Use the file name '-' for
standard input/output. Without the -o option, output is sent to standard output.

This suggests input can be specified in 2 ways:

  • from a file, using the -o option
    • cutadapt -a CGTAATTCGCG -o trimmed.fastq  fastq  small.fq
  • from standard input if the input.fastq argument is replaced with a dash ( - )
    • cat small.fq | cutadapt -a CGTAATTCGCG -o trimmed.fastq  fastq  -

And also says that the input.fastq file can be provided in one of three compression formats.
