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Table of Contents


<ARGUMENT>Value AssociatedPurposeAccepted File TypesAdditional Notes
MODSMODS XML file nameprovide MODS metadata for an assetxmlCan be used for publication/series-level assets, book and issue-level assets.
TNthumbnail image file nameprovide a thumbnail picture for an assetpng, jpg, jpeg

Can be used for publication/series-level assets, book and issue-level assets.

If no thumbnail is provided during batch ingest, the DAMS will copy the thumbnail image of the first page of the asset to the book/issue level asset.


three-letter language code

instruct the DAMS software to perform OCR for each pageN/A

Can be used for book/issue-level assets.

See page _Text extraction in DAMS for the list of languages for which the DAMS software supports OCR processing.


The OCR software built into the DAMS provides unoptimized recognition results for a limited set of supported languages. Consult with Digitization Services about the external OCR software available for processing, which will yield better recognition results.


If you specify a language not supported by the DAMS software, the asset will still be ingested but no OCR extraction will be performed.

PAGE<NUMBER>name of the file with the page image

provide page content, in sequential order

tiff, tif, jp2

Can be used for book/issue-level assets.

Replace <NUMBER> with a number for each page that indicates the page's sequential order, for example:

Code Block

Pad the number with zeroes. The number of zeroes for padding is up to you.

PAGE<NUMBER>_OCR_CUSTOMname of externally generated OCR file for that pageallows you to provide your own OCR datastream for each pagetxt

Can be used for book/issue-level assets.

PAGE<NUMBER>_<CUSTOM_DATASTREAM>name of additional fileallows you to add custom datastreams to page-level assets*

Replace <CUSTOM_DATASTREAM> with a datastream label. The label should correspond to one of the recommended datastream types listed on page Anatomy of DAMS digital assets.

If you wish to ingest additional files that do not match any of the listed datastream types, please contact the DAMS managers for consultation (click here to submit a DAMS service request).


DO NOT use any of theĀ Restricted Datastream IDs.

DO NOT use any of the system-generated datastream labels to ingest additional files, as they may be overwritten by the DAMS software.

FULL_TEXT_CUSTOMname of text file with externally created full text (text extracted from PDF)allows you to provide your own FULL_TEXT datastream for a book/issuetxt

Can be used for book/issue-level assets.


Use only for assets where the primary source file is a PDF document and for full text produced with pdftotext. See page _Text extraction in DAMS for details on the different text extraction/recognition methods.

PDFname of your pdf filePDF for resourcepdf

Can be used for book/issue-level assets.

Use to add an externally created PDF document to an asset.


If no page images are specified in the manifest, the DAMS will render image files from the pages of the PDF document and use these images to create page-level assets.

For digitally reformatted (scanned) content, using a PDF as a source for creating page images is strongly discouraged, as the automatically created page images are almost invariably of lower quality than the original scan images. Contact the DAMS managers for a consultation (click here to submit a DAMS service request).

For born-digital content (for instance modern PDF ebooks or PDF documents directly exported from a word processor), other content models and ingest processes will be more appropriate. Contact the DAMS managers for a consultation (click here to submit a DAMS service request).

HOSTPUBLICATIONPID without namespace IDAdd issue(s) to publicationtext

Can be used for book/issue-level assets.

Use to specify which publication/series-level asset an issue shold be added to.

PID without namespace ID is the part of a PID after the colon (UUID), e.g. 9ebf6ac8-1823-4bf4-8398-654b54090776 for PID utlarch:9ebf6ac8-1823-4bf4-8398-654b54090776.

HOSTISSUEPID without namespace IDAdd pages to an issuetext

Can be used with sets of page images.

Use to specify which issue-level asset a set of page images should be added to.

PID without namespace ID is the part of a PID after the colon (UUID), e.g. 9ebf6ac8-1823-4bf4-8398-654b54090776 for PID utlarch:9ebf6ac8-1823-4bf4-8398-654b54090776.

HOSTBOOKPID without namespace IDAdd pages to a booktext

Can be used with sets of page images.

Use to specify which book-level asset a set of page images should be added to.

PID without namespace ID is the part of a PID after the colon (UUID), e.g. 9ebf6ac8-1823-4bf4-8398-654b54090776 for PID utlarch:9ebf6ac8-1823-4bf4-8398-654b54090776.

Folder naming conventions and folder hierarchy


Multiexcerpt include
MultiExcerptNameBatch ingest upload and submit
PageWithExcerptBatch ingest simple assets

Multiexcerpt include
MultiExcerptNamebatch ingest queue
PageWithExcerptBatch ingest simple assets