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What this does

The batch ingest process for complex assets, or paged content, allows you to batch-create DAMS assets that consist of component parts, typically pages of a book/serial issue/archival file/etc. See pages Anatomy of DAMS digital assets and Content models for details on the structure of digital assets.

Assets created with this batch ingest method will consist of a set of page-level assets, a book/publication issue-level asset, and optionally a publication (series)-level asset. You can also use this method to add publication issues to an existing publication series, and you can add pages to existing book-level or issue-level assets.

Typically, a book-level asset and its pages are created using image files that are the result of a scanning process (digitally reformatted content). This batch ingest method also allows to use a PDF document as a source file, and the DAMS software will automatically create an image file for each page in a PDF submitted. For digitally reformatted (scanned) content, using a PDF is strongly discouraged, as the automatically created page images are almost invariably of lower quality than the original scan images. Contact the DAMS managers for a consultation (click here to submit a DAMS service request).

For born-digital content (for instance modern PDF ebooks or PDF documents directly exported from a word processor), other content models and ingest processes will be more appropriate. Contact the DAMS managers for a consultation (click here to submit a DAMS service request).

General information for batch ingest

The batch ingest process runs continuously, looking for newly queued batch jobs approximately every 5 minutes. You can add batch ingest jobs to the queue at any time.

Batch jobs are subject to the following batch job size and file size limitations:

  • max. 100GB/batch job
  • max. 10GB/file

Step 1: Stage files for batch ingest job

Organise files in a batch job folder, using subfolders if appropriate. Refer to the instructions/options listed below for preparing batch jobs.

Staging files for batch ingest of paged content

For batch ingest, your assets MUST be organized within a top level directory which represents the batch job. You will reference the batch job directory in the batch submission form in the DAMS GUI. Each batch job directory MUST contain one or more subdirectories, representing a book/publication issue, a publication/series, or a set of pages that should be added to an existing paged content asset. You can combine multiple books, issues, page addition sets in a batch job, as long as the job does not exceed the file and job size limitations.

Creating a datastreams.txt manifest file

Subdirectories in the batch job folder MUST each contain a manifest file named datastreams.txt. The manifest file specifies the intended structure of the DAMS asset, for instance specifying the order of page images, pointing to the MODS XML containing the metadata for the asset or a thumbnail image to be ingested as the TN datastream. The manifest file can also designate the language of the content, to instruct the DAMS to perform Optical Character Recognition (OCR) on the ingested pages.

Each line of the manifest file contains an argument-value pair in the following format:


Use 2 (two) equal signs to separate arguments and values.

Sample datastreams.txt manifest file for a book or issue-level asset

Manifest Arguments

The available manifest arguments are:

<ARGUMENT>Value AssociatedPurposeAccepted File TypesAdditional Notes
MODSMODS XML file nameprovide MODS metadata for an assetxmlCan be used for publication/series-level assets, book and issue-level assets.
TNthumbnail image file nameprovide a thumbnail picture for an assetpng, jpg, jpeg

Can be used for publication/series-level assets, book and issue-level assets.

If no thumbnail is provided during batch ingest, the DAMS will copy the thumbnail image of the first page of the asset to the book/issue level asset.


three-letter language code

instruct the DAMS software to perform OCR for each pageN/A

Can be used for book/issue-level assets.

See page _Text extraction in DAMS for the list of languages for which the DAMS software supports OCR processing.

The OCR software built into the DAMS provides unoptimized recognition results for a limited set of supported languages. Consult with Digitization Services about the external OCR software available for processing, which will yield better recognition results.

If you specify a language not supported by the DAMS software, the asset will still be ingested but no OCR extraction will be performed.

PAGE<NUMBER>name of the file with the page image

provide page content, in sequential order

tiff, tif, jp2

Can be used for book/issue-level assets.

Replace <NUMBER> with a number for each page that indicates the page's sequential order, for example:


Pad the number with zeroes. The number of zeroes for padding is up to you.

PAGE<NUMBER>_OCR_CUSTOMname of externally generated OCR file for that pageallows you to provide your own OCR datastream for each pagetxt

Can be used for book/issue-level assets.

PAGE<NUMBER>_<CUSTOM_DATASTREAM>name of additional fileallows you to add custom datastreams to page-level assets*

Replace <CUSTOM_DATASTREAM> with a datastream label. The label should correspond to one of the recommended datastream types listed on page Anatomy of DAMS digital assets.

If you wish to ingest additional files that do not match any of the listed datastream types, please contact the DAMS managers for consultation (click here to submit a DAMS service request).

DO NOT use any of the Restricted Datastream IDs.

DO NOT use any of the system-generated datastream labels to ingest additional files, as they may be overwritten by the DAMS software.

FULL_TEXT_CUSTOMname of text file with externally created full text (text extracted from PDF)allows you to provide your own FULL_TEXT datastream for a book/issuetxt

Can be used for book/issue-level assets.

Use only for assets where the primary source file is a PDF document and for full text produced with pdftotext. See page _Text extraction in DAMS for details on the different text extraction/recognition methods.

PDFname of your pdf filePDF for resourcepdf

Can be used for book/issue-level assets.

Use to add an externally created PDF document to an asset.

If no page images are specified in the manifest, the DAMS will render image files from the pages of the PDF document and use these images to create page-level assets.

For digitally reformatted (scanned) content, using a PDF as a source for creating page images is strongly discouraged, as the automatically created page images are almost invariably of lower quality than the original scan images. Contact the DAMS managers for a consultation (click here to submit a DAMS service request).

For born-digital content (for instance modern PDF ebooks or PDF documents directly exported from a word processor), other content models and ingest processes will be more appropriate. Contact the DAMS managers for a consultation (click here to submit a DAMS service request).

HOSTPUBLICATIONPID without namespace IDAdd issue(s) to publicationtext

Can be used for book/issue-level assets.

Use to specify which publication/series-level asset an issue shold be added to.

PID without namespace ID is the part of a PID after the colon (UUID), e.g. 9ebf6ac8-1823-4bf4-8398-654b54090776 for PID utlarch:9ebf6ac8-1823-4bf4-8398-654b54090776.

HOSTISSUEPID without namespace IDAdd pages to an issuetext

Can be used with sets of page images.

Use to specify which issue-level asset a set of page images should be added to.

PID without namespace ID is the part of a PID after the colon (UUID), e.g. 9ebf6ac8-1823-4bf4-8398-654b54090776 for PID utlarch:9ebf6ac8-1823-4bf4-8398-654b54090776.

HOSTBOOKPID without namespace IDAdd pages to a booktext

Can be used with sets of page images.

Use to specify which book-level asset a set of page images should be added to.

PID without namespace ID is the part of a PID after the colon (UUID), e.g. 9ebf6ac8-1823-4bf4-8398-654b54090776 for PID utlarch:9ebf6ac8-1823-4bf4-8398-654b54090776.

Folder naming conventions and folder hierarchy

Subdirectories inside of the batch job folder MUST contain one of the following suffixes as part of their name, to denote the content type or type of batch ingest:

  • _ISSUE
  • _BOOK
  • _PAGES


Use to create a publication/series-level asset. These assets are intended to organize publication issues inside the DAMS. The DAMS GUI will show a calendar display to navigate publication issues based on creation/issuance month and year. Publication/series-level assets cannot be published to the Collections Portal and there is currently no calendar display available on the Collections Portal to browse serial issues.

If you are not ingesting data at the publication level, e.g. MODS XML metadata, you still need to add an empty manifest file named datastreams.txt at this folder level.

A <foldername>_PUBLICATION folder can contain multiple folders with the suffix _ISSUE, in order to create the publication/series-level asset and corresponding issue-level assets at the same time.

DO NOT nest _ISSUE folders under a _PUBLICATION folder if you want to add issue-level assets to an existing publication/serial-level asset. Refer to the following section for instructions on how to add issue-level assets to an existing publication/serial-level asset.

Sample datastreams.txt for publication/series-level asset


Use to create an issue-level asset from scanned page images or a PDF.

<foldername>_ISSUE folders can be nested under a folder with the _PUBLICATION suffix, in order to create the publication/series-level asset and corresponding issue-level assets at the same time.

If you want to add an issue-level asset to an existing publication/series-level asset, DO NOT nest _ISSUE folders under a _PUBLICATION folder. Instead, place the _ISSUE folder directly inside the batch job folder and specify the host publication asset in the datastreams.txt manifest like this:
HOSTPUBLICATION==<PID of the publication/series-level asset> 

When submitting a batch ingest job intended to add an issue to an existing publication, you must enter the PID of the subcollection containing the publication/series-level asset. This is a known bug.

When you are ingesting PDF files as paged content with the intention to have the document split up into individual pages, prepare your source files as follows:

  • Stage only the PDF file and applicable metadata or derivative datastreams. Do not stage page images along with the PDF. The DAMS software will not attempt to split a PDF file into page images if you ingest a PDF document together with page image files.
  • Remove spaces from PDF filenames. If you stage a PDF file with a name containing spaces for ingest, the DAMS software will not create page images.

Sample datastreams.txt for issue asset
HOSTPUBLICATION==e0026f7d-9a79-4a8d-8a83-efc153c6a449 <-- only needed when adding an issue to an existing publication!


Use to create a book-level asset from scanned page images or a PDF.

When you are ingesting PDF files as paged content with the intention to have the document split up into individual pages, prepare your source files as follows:

  • Stage only the PDF file and applicable metadata or derivative datastreams. Do not stage page images along with the PDF. The DAMS software will not attempt to split a PDF file into page images if you ingest a PDF document together with page image files.
  • Remove spaces from PDF filenames. If you stage a PDF file with a name containing spaces for ingest, the DAMS software will not create page images.

Sample datastreams.txt for book asset


Use to add page images and other datastreams to an existing book or issue-level asset.

Place the <foldername>_PAGES folder directly inside the batch job folder and add page images. In the datastreams.txt manifest file, add entries for each page image and specify the page order as part of the PAGE<NUMBER> argument, for example:


The ingest process will result in duplicate page numbers if the manifest assigns newly ingested images a page number that already exists in a partially ingested book.

Make sure to carefully assign page numbers to page images that are to be added to an existing book and avoid overlap with existing page numbers.

Sample datastreams.txt for adding pages to existing book

Sample batch folder structure

eid1234_example-batch-submission/ (batch job folder)
├── grapes_of_wrath_BOOK/
│   ├── datastreams.txt
│   ├── modsfile.xml
│	├── book_level_custom_ocr.txt
│	├── book_level_pdf.pdf
│   ├── page01.tif
│   └── page02.tif
├── wall_street_journal_PUBLICATION/
│   ├── datastreams.txt
│   ├── modsfile.xml
│   ├── wsj_jan_2016_ISSUE/
│	│	├── datastreams.txt
│	│	├── modsfile.xml
│	│	├── page01.tif
│	│	└── page02.tif
│   └── wsj_feb_2016_ISSUE/
│		├── datastreams.txt
│		├── modsfile.xml
│		├── page01.tif
│		└── page02.tif
├──	ascii_art_monthly_july_2021_ISSUE/
│   ├── datastreams.txt
│   ├── modsfile.xml
│   ├── page01.tif
│   ├── page01_custom_ocr.txt
│   ├── page02.tif
│   └── page02_custom_ocr.txt
└──	nyt_2020-11-04_PAGES/
	├── datastreams.txt
	├── issue_level_custom_ocr.txt
	├── issue_level_pdf.pdf
    ├── page01.tif
    ├── page01_custom_ocr.txt
    ├── page02.tif
    └── page02_custom_ocr.txt

Ensure you have a user account with the SFTP server Jscape by checking UT secrets vault stache for an entry named "<your name> JScape SFTP". Contact the UTL DAMS Management Team if you don't already have an account.

The Jscape web interface does not allow you to upload directories. We recommend using an SFTP client to connect and upload your batch submissions.

  1. Connect to jscape in SFTP client:

    port: 22
  2. Upload your batch job folder into the appropriate location in Jscape:

    1. TEST corresponds to running batch on, PROD corresponds to running batch on
    2. Place your batch job folder in the appropriate top-level collection folder within the INGEST folder
      Example: /DAMS/TEST/INGEST/utlmisc/my_batch_job_folder (is what I would do for a batch upload to the miscellaneous collection on the DAMS Test Server).

      Any spaces in folder names must be represented by underscores (e.g. special_collection_1).

      We recommend naming your batch folder with your eid, a reference to the destination collection name in the DAMS, or anything else that will help you recognize the batch. In the example <my eid>_<what I am ingesting>, the folder name would be mm63978_EnPatufet1908-1911.

  3. Go over to the DAMS interface and submit your batch job to queue it to be run (see steps below).
  4. Note: Your batch job folder will be removed from the JScape server after seven days whether or not you have run the batch. Back up your batch requests in box or on your local machine. 

  1. Navigate to or create the target sub-collection to receive batch ingested files in DAMS

  2. Locate and copy the target sub-collection PID to clipboard (namespace:UUID, e.g. utlarch:9ebf6ac8-1823-4bf4-8398-654b54090776)

  3. Navigate to the Batch Ingest form in the DAMS:
    1. Production system:
    2. Test system:
  4. Select the DAMS Top-Level collection from the dropdown field
  5. Paste the PID of the target sub-collection into the form
  6. Enter the name of the folder on the Jscape/FTP server that contains the files to be ingested (e.g. mm63978_EnPatufet1908-1911)
  7. For batch ingest of simple assets and paged content: select the appropriate ingest type
  8. Click submit

The DAMS should indicate at the top of the form that the batch ingest job was queued.

You will get an email notification after your request for a batch ingest has been received and another notice once the batch ingest process has finished.

  • No labels