454 Analysis tools
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Current Roche/454 software versions on Fourierseq are all 2.5.3. Tarballs of various 454 software versions are available at /home/daras/454sw*
- Sff file manipulation tools - Utilities to convert and manipulate 454 sff files.
- GS De novo assembler - Performs assembly of reads and generates contigs.
- GS Reference mapper - Maps reads to a reference genome and reports consensus and variants.
- GS Amplicon variant analyzer - For detection of variants in amplicon libraries : a small region of interest at very large coverage.
- GS Run processor and run browser - Generally run already by the GSAF, but you might want to re-process image data sometimes.
- Georgiou Lab Amplicon scripts - Matlab scripts...
- BLAST tools - Scripts for quick and dirty blasts of 454 reads and contigs to see what's going on at a global level