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Single Day Reservation
- How to find and schedule an event that reoccurs weekly over a semester
- \\\disk\reg\Registrar\Room Scheduling\Training and How To's\Internal\How-Tos\How to use the Room Scheduling System\How to do a Semester Long Search.docx (file://// Scheduling//Training and How To's//Internal//How-Tos//How to use the Room Scheduling System//How to do a Semester Long Search.docx)
- When making a reservation with a conflict please be sure to make a note of it in the 'Additional Information' field. The note should include the conflicting dates as well as any other important information. This will keep Scheduling aware and also remind , however, the reservation holder is unable to see the additional notes, so they will need to be notified by email.
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Graphical-View Search
Figure 1There are a few bugs that will allow you to schedule conflicts in the room scheduling system: