How to use the Room Scheduling System
Single Day Reservation
- How to find and schedule a room for a one-day event
- \\\disk\reg\Registrar\Room Scheduling\Training and How To's\Internal\How-Tos\How to use the Room Scheduling System\How to do a Single Date Search.docx
Semester-Long Reservation
- How to find and schedule an event that reoccurs weekly over a semester
- \\\disk\reg\Registrar\Room Scheduling\Training and How To's\Internal\How-Tos\How to use the Room Scheduling System\How to do a Semester Long Search.docx
- When making a reservation with a conflict please be sure to make a note of it in the 'Additional Information' field. The note should include the conflicting dates as well as any other important information. This will keep Scheduling aware, however, the reservation holder is unable to see the additional notes, so they will need to be notified by email.
Graphical-View Search
- How to view a calendar-like view of a specific room's availability
How to Confirm a Reservation
- How to find a reservation via confirmation code, by known date, by known room
General Room Scheduling Tips
- Change the start time and/or end time of the reservation by 15 or 30 minutes.
- Search for rooms following the standard timelines for courses:
- On MWF search on the hour, on TTH search following the 75 minute block
- Break up the requested time for longer or all day requests into two or three smaller blocks
- If a GPC is not available semester-long try searching using the three day exception search, and then finding a room to accommodate the group on the conflicting dates
- If a specific room is necessary, the requestor could reach out to the department or party occupying the room to negotiate a switch.
- See documentation in 'Inbox Protocol – Scheduling Email' for an email template/suggestions:
- If there is absolutely nothing available, suggest that the requestor contact their department to inquire about departmental rooms, or provide them with a list of other reserveable spaces on campus (see other resources section, page 7)
Figure 1There are a few bugs that will allow you to schedule conflicts in the room scheduling system:
- DO NOT schedule multiple semesters on one reservation. Break up requests by semester dates.
- DO NOT use the multi-date reservation fields to make reservations during the summer semester. The room scheduling system will allow conflicts to be scheduled. (See 'Figure 1' above)
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