How to use the Room Scheduling System

Single Day Reservation

Semester-Long Reservation

Graphical-View Search

  • How to view a calendar-like view of a specific room's availability

\\\disk\reg\Registrar\Room Scheduling\Training and How To's\Internal\How-Tos\How to use the Room Scheduling System\How to do a Graphical view search.docx 

How to Confirm a Reservation

  • How to find a reservation via confirmation code, by known date, by known room

\\\disk\reg\Registrar\Room Scheduling\Training and How To's\Internal\How-Tos\How to use the Room Scheduling System\How to Confirm a Reservation.docx 

General Room Scheduling Tips

  • Change the start time and/or end time of the reservation by 15 or 30 minutes.
  • Search for rooms following the standard timelines for courses:
    • On MWF search on the hour, on TTH search following the 75 minute block
  • Break up the requested time for longer or all day requests into two or three smaller blocks
  • If a GPC is not available semester-long try searching using the three day exception search, and then finding a room to accommodate the group on the conflicting dates
  • If a specific room is necessary, the requestor could reach out to the department or party occupying the room to negotiate a switch.
    • See documentation in 'Inbox Protocol – Scheduling Email' for an email template/suggestions:

\\\disk\reg\Registrar\Room Scheduling\Training and How To's\Internal\How-Tos\Inbox Protocol-Scheduling Email.docx 

  • If there is absolutely nothing available, suggest that the requestor contact their department to inquire about departmental rooms, or provide them with a list of other reserveable spaces on campus (see other resources section, page 7)


Figure 1There are a few bugs that will allow you to schedule conflicts in the room scheduling system:

  • DO NOT schedule multiple semesters on one reservation. Break up requests by semester dates.
  • DO NOT use the multi-date reservation fields to make reservations during the summer semester. The room scheduling system will allow conflicts to be scheduled. (See 'Figure 1' above)