Task | Assigned |
Remove GPC building/room (All sections)
Remove GPC building/room (All sections)
Sync CL/AE to 12th day enrollment for GPCs (except 0 12th day) that are <50% of room cap. Leave scheduling log note: Matching CL to AE/12th day; and
Match restrictive statements to irregular program codes (All sections/Irregular Program Code Document) |
Match noteline to Mode (i.e. INTERNET, WEBENHANCED) based on overall (remember COLA/McCombs may have different notelines) |
Noteline maintenance (CSFLSCAN) |
Remove GPCs under construction |
Rollover Discrepancy: Mainly looking for inventory changes (CSOD/CRAD). We can save title change checks until after original returned. Leave note: Cancel and re-add as FOS ### TITLE before end of Original phase or section will be deleted |
For classes with 0 AE in GPCs, match AE to SEATS TAKEN from last like semester (Combined TLs) |
For classes using the base topic title (Incomplete Sections)
Closing limit of 999 for Master's, Thesis etc.