Run and review reports one day prior to and in preparation for:
- NRJGCRSW-Sync Standard statements & Differing Standard Statement for Same-As - \\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\6.SIS projects\Batch Scheduling\Syncing Standard Statements.docx Select 'No' for all fields
- Check for Differing Standard Statement for Same-As Course Relations via All Sections
- NRJGCRJ3(Non TL Errors)- Report of classes cross-listed but with errors. Output: NRNWCRJ3
- NRJGCRJ4(Missing XL Classes) - Report of classes in same timeline but not cross-listed. Output: NRNWCRJ4
- NRJGCMCF: Conflicts Report
- Check for Mode (Hybrid/Blended, Web Enhanced, Multimedia, Two-Way Interact, Video-TV) and matching noteline statement (Partially taught as a Web-based course): Use all sections to search for mode and *TXTASK/RGJGSCH3/RGNWSCAN for 'partially'. Add "Partially taught as a Web-based course" for sections that do not have it.
- Census day ONLY: Run discrepancy (NRNW029E) to check for invalid courses after inventory is applied.