Run and review reports one day prior to and in preparation for:
- OCS Publication
- Advising
- Registration Periods
- Zap and Waitlist Promotion
- Census Date
- Grade Sheet Printing
- Grade Processing
- As needed throughout cycle
- NRJGCRSW-Sync Standard statements & Differing Standard Statement for Same-As - \\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\6.SIS projects\Batch Scheduling\Syncing Standard Statements.docx Select 'No' for all fields
- Check for Differing Standard Statement for Same-As Course Relations via All Sections
We manually check for discrepancies between grading mode (switch #11) and repeatability (switch #14) between same-as relationships. NRJGCRSW checks the inventory vs. course schedule but does not check between course relations.
Tools: All Sections Report (NRNWCMD)
Filter for SA in XLISTG INFO column to find all same-as relations
Hide Columns: TL1-STD 10, STD 13, STD 15-18
Look for discrepancies between grading mode and repeatability i.e. one class is marked 'A' and one is not. Correct relationship to room-share.
Leave log note: Different grading mode/repeatability cannot be in a same-as relationship. Changing to room-share.
Note: Timing matters, if course schedule is published coordinate with Degree Audit and notify departments.
- NRJGCRJ3(Non TL Errors)- Report of classes cross-listed but with errors. Output: NRNWCRJ3
- NRJGCRJ4(Missing XL Classes) - Report of classes in same timeline but not cross-listed. Output: NRNWCRJ4
- NRJGCMCF: Conflicts Report
- Check for Mode (Hybrid/Blended, Web Enhanced, Multimedia, Two-Way Interact, Video-TV) and matching noteline statement (Partially taught as a Web-based course): Use all sections to search for mode and *TXTASK/RGJGSCH3/RGNWSCAN for 'partially'. Add "Partially taught as a Web-based course" for sections that do not have it.
- Census day ONLY: Run discrepancy (NRNW029E) to check for invalid courses after inventory is applied.
NRJGCMCF: Conflicts Report
This report tells us when there is a conflict in a GPC
Report is read left to right comparing CSN1, UNQ 1 etc. on the left with CSN2, UNQ 2 etc. on the right
Known conflicts
- If it’s the same professor for both sections it should be fine
- If it’s the same course meeting together for timeline 2
- Language classes meeting together for TL2
- Departments using a room during their departmental control
Any other type of conflict should be investigated
NRJGCRJ4 Missing XL Classes
This document tells us of potential course relations i.e. classes that are in the same timeline but not related.
Report is read left to right comparing CSN1, UNQ 1 etc. on the left with CSN2, UNQ 2 etc. on the right
There are 2 types of missing course relations:
- Classes with class meets dates:
Leave as potential course relations
- Classes without class meets dates:
Set to room share unless Same-as is obvious. Leave log note ‘Defaulting to room share’ or ‘setting course relations’
NTJGCRJ3 Non Timeline Errors
This output tells of errors with classes that are related together
Report is read left to right comparing CSN1, UNQ 1 etc. on the left with CSN2, UNQ 2 etc. on the right
In the error field it will display what type of error:
- NIV1: Course relation inventory discrepancy e.g. Courses are a same as in class manager but are not in inventory
- NFOS: Same field of study meeting as a same-as e.g. ARC 696 and ARC 692K listed as a same-as
- Classes that are related but in different timelines
NRJGCRSW: Standard Statement Sync
Note: In job submission page select ‘No’ for all fields. Run as report only.
Report is read left to right comparing F60-K (course file 60) etc. on the left with F34-K (inventory file 34) etc. on the right
- Open output in Excel (right click, open with, Excel)
- Delete rows 1-7
- Filter top row starting with CCYYS
- Column Y, Discrepancies, filter for X
- Compare switch discrepancies between F60 (course file) and F34 (inventory)