Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Updated 5/56/20 - JVS

General Information


  1. Log into the Mainframe
  2. Choose 'ST'
  3. In the enter input field, type 'txtask' and press <enter> (figure 1)<enter> 

Figure 1

  1. Fill in the following information, then press <enter> (figure 2)
    • In the "Command" field, enter 'SSJ'
    • In the "Name" field, enter 'RGJGSCH5'
    • In the "Version" field, enter 'P'
    • In the "Dept" field, enter 'RG'

Figure 2

  1. Press <enter> to scroll to the second screen. You are looking for the job option: RGNWBLDG. To select it, place an 's' next to the name.
  2. Do not change the run class. Leave it as "4" and press <enter> (figure 3)<enter> 

Figure 3

  1. Overwrite the following fields and press <enter>:
    • CCYYS with CCYYS in question
    • Building abbreviation
  2. Press <enter> to confirm that you want to submit this job
  3. The job name and job number will pop up- this confirms that you have submitted your job. Press <enter> one more time to continue.
  4. If you were just running a report for a single building, you are done!
    • If you are running reports for every building that contains GPCs, clear once to leave that screen.
    • You will need to re-enter "SSJ" into the command field, but can leave the other fields untouched. (figure 4)

Figure 4

  1. Repeat steps 1-11 for any remaining additional buildings for which you need reports
