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The Faculty Travel Grant question allows the user to select whether or not a faculty travel grant will be used to fund any portion of the requested travel. If you choose Yes.  This message will appear: To apply for a Faculty Travel Grant, go to the Faculty Travel Grant Program website and be prepared to provide a local account number for any charges not covered by the FTG. Also, the faculty travel grant account number is added automatically to the Account Information section of the form.

Travel Information

The Travel Information section is used to enter details about the purpose of travel, the benefit to the university, and the disposition of the traveler’s duties.

The Purpose(s) of Travel field is used to select up to five purposes for travel.

If the user selects as the purpose of travel either Present original research paper or lecture at conference or Attend meeting, conference, etc. for any purpose other than presenting, the user is prompted to enter additional information in the Conference Name, Paper Title, or URL field that appears.

To add an additional purpose, click Add Purpose(s) of Travel. To remove a previously added purpose, click the X button to the right.

The Purpose Comments is a free form field, which allows up to 700 characters for comments or additional details.

The Benefit(s) to UT field is used to select up to five benefits to the university.

To add an additional benefit, click Add Benefit(s) to UT. To remove a previously added benefit, click the X button to the right.

The Benefit to UT Comments is a free form field, which allows up to 700 characters for comments or additional details.

The Disposition of Duties field is used to select up to five benefits to the university. If the user selects Duties assumed by colleagues or staff, the user is prompted to enter the name of the person(s) assuming these duties in the Disposition of Duties Comments field.

To add an additional disposition of duties, click Add Disposition of Duties. To remove a previously added disposition, click the X button to the right.

The Disposition of Duties Comments is a free form field, which allows up to 700 characters for comments or additional details

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Destination Information

The Destination Information section is used to enter travel begin and end dates as well as any and all destinations.

The Begin Date of Travel field is used to enter the date travel begins. When the user clicks this field a calendar pop-up automatically appears, which allows the user to select a date.

The End Date of Travel field is used to enter the date travel ends. When the user clicks this field a calendar pop-up will automatically appear, which allows the user to select any date.

The Destination field is used to enter any destinations or cities where the traveler will stay overnight. Type the name of the city and state/country, or click the lookup icon  to search for a destination code.

To add an additional destination, click Add Destination(s). To remove a previously added destination, click the X button to the right. No more than 10 destinations can be listed.

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