Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Other programming languages usually supply a print statement or function that can direct text to files a file or to standard output.

In bash, the print utility directs text to actual printers, so there is a different method of text output: the echo command. Let's give it a try:


Code Block
echo hello     # displays "hello" on the next terminal line, then the prompt on a new line
echo -n hello  # displays "hello" on the next terminal line followed by the prompt (no newline)

Exercise 3-1

What is the difference in character count when you echo hello with and without the -n option?


There are a number of pre-defined environment variables in the shell, such as USER (your account name) and PATH (more on PATH later). The env command will list them all along with their values.

Exercise 3-2



Use env to see your built-in environment variables. You may want to pipe output to grep -i, or less -I then search for "group" ignoring case (/group in less).


Code Block
env | grep -i group  # is there an environment variable with "group" in its name?

Examining the env output we find that the variable MY_GROUP contains our Unix group.

Code Block
echo The Unix group for $USER is $MY_GROUP


  1. single quoting (e.g. 'some text') – this serves two purposes
    • it groups together all text inside the quotes into a single token
    • it tells the shell not to "look inside" the quotes to perform anyevaluationsevaluation
      • all metacharacters inside the single quotes are ignored
      • in particular, any environment variables in single-quoted text are not evaluated
  2. double quoting (e.g. "some text") – also serves two purposes
    • it groups together all text inside the quotes into a single token
    • it allows environment variable evaluation, but inhibits some metacharcters
      • e.g. asterisk ( * ) pathname globbing (more on globbing later...)
      • and some other metacharacters
  3. backtick quoting (e.g. `date`)
    • evaluates the expression inside the backtick marks ( ` )
    • the standard output of the expression replaces the text inside the backtick marks ( ` )


The first rule of quoting is: always enclose a command argument in quotes if it contains spaces so that the command sees the quoted text as one item. See the difference between:

Code Block
echo 'Hello world!'     # the argument "Hello world!" 

To see more on how quoting affects text grouping, we'll use quotes to define some multi-word environment variables.


Always use single ( ' ) or double ( " ) quotes when you define an environment variable whose value contains spaces.

See the difference between:

Code Block
foo="My name is Anna"'Hello world'   # correct - defines variable "foo" to have value "Hello world"
foo=Hello world     # error - no command called "world"

The 2nd expression above, without the quotes, produces an error. What's going on? The shell parses the input into two tokens: "foo=Hello" and "world". It assigns the value "Hello" to the variable foo, then tries to execute world, which it thinks is a command.

As for the difference between single quotes and double quotes, these two expressions produce the same output because the assigned text does not contain any special metacharacters:

Code Block
foo="My name is Anna"; echo $foo
foo='My name is Anna'; echo $foo  


But these two expressions are different:


  • To delete text after the cursor, use:
    • Delete key on Windows
    • Function-Delete keys on Macintosh
  • To delete text before the cursor, use:
    • Backspace key on Windows
    • Delete key on Macintosh
  • Use Ctrl-k (kill) to delete everything on the line
    • This is different from Ctrl-k on the command line where it deletes everything after the cursor

Once you're satisfied with your edits:
