Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • echo <text> prints the specified text on standard output
    • evaluation of metacharacters (special characters) inside the text may be performed first
    • -e says to enable interpretation of backslash escapes such as \t (tab) and \n newline
    • -n says not to output the trailing newline
  • wc -l  reports the number of lines (-l) in its input
    • wc -c reports the number of characters (-c) in its input
    • wc -w reports the number of words (-w) in its input
  • history lists your command history to the terminal
    • redirect to a file to save a history of the commands executed in a shell session
    • pipe to grep to search for a particular command
  • env lists all the environment variables currently defined in your login session
  • xargs transfers data on its standard input to the command line of the specified command
    • e.g. ls ~/*.txt | xargs echo
  • which <pgm> searches all $PATH directories to find <pgm> and reports its full pathname
    • will report all the places it looked if <pgm> was not found
    • type <pgm> is more general and works for functions and aliases
  • du <file_or_directory..file_or_directory>
    • shows the disk usage (size) of the specified files/directories
    • -h says report the size in human-readable form (e.g. 12M instead of 12201749)
    • -s says summarize the directory size for directories
    • -c says print a grand total when multiple items are specified
  • groups - lists the Unix groups you belong to
