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  1. Faculty member reaches out to department staff or Chair to request leave. Staff/Chair should discuss with faculty member how taking leave may affect: 
    1. How faculty member is paid by UT: 
      1. Does the faculty member need to work with the Grants Services Office ( External funding that is routed through UT will often route through the Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP). The Grants Services Office will be your point of contact for working with OSP. 
      2. If the receiving an external fellowship that will pay the faculty member directly:  
        1. they may need to go on partial or total LWOP 
        2. they may wish to apply for a SCRF 
        3. It may affect their insurance benefits and related costs 
    2. Any previously committed return rules; if department does not have solid records of faculty leaves taken, check with COLA HR.  
      1. Does the faculty member need to request a deferral of the return rule? 
      2. A return rule can be deferred by emailing COLA HR with the faculty member’s request. Include reason for deferral and Chair support. However, a deferral is not guaranteed, and return rules connected to FDLs cannot be deferred.
    3. Probationary status/promotion & tenure "clock"; see more information on tenure-track probationary period here.
    4. What courses the faculty member would be teaching without the RT; how the RT will change their teaching load during the academic year; and how the RT will impact the course/s the faculty member will no longer teach.
    5. Any departmental responsibilities the faculty member will retain while on leave. 
  2. Ensure that, if the Chair was not notified in step 1, that you (dept staff) bring them into the conversation and/or that they are made aware of the potential considerations listed above. 
  3. Release time is requested using the Faculty Request for Leave (FRL) form. 
    1. Complete the form based on the specific leave faculty member is taking. 
      1. The percentage faculty member will be on leave is based on their funding amount and their current salary. 
      2. Please include the account numbers for faculty’s funding. Work with the COLA Grants Services Office where applicable. 
    2. The FRL is submitted to COLA HR via the faculty leaves submission portal for review prior to Chair’s signature. Please follow naming convention: "YY-YY_DEPT_Lastname_Semester_FRL"
      1. "YY-YY" = the fiscal year of the leave; ex. "22-23"
      2. "DEPT" = 4-character UT Department code for your unit; ex. "PSYC" (Department of Psychology)
      3. "Lastname" = faculty member requesting the leave
      4. "Semester" = the semester for which the leave is requested (Fall, Spring, or AY, if full year)
    3. COLA HR will create a leave record in the CLASP database and begin processing. 
    4. COLA HR will make any applicable corrections consistent with COLA policy and will route the FRL in DocuSign for the applicable Chair and Dean signatures; the department staff contact will be given View access to the DocuSign envelope.
  4. After signatures, COLA HR will complete a Job Costing Tool for the Release Time and send to COLA Finance. 
  5. Finance will complete the costing allocation BP in Workday when required and will also complete instructional budget transfer(s). 
  6. If any changes occur to your faculty’s funding amounts, funding source, or leave dates, please contact COLA HR with these changes as soon as possible. 


Faculty Leaves and Related Information (EVPP)

Family Family Medical Leave Act (Central HR)
