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How to Run an Experiment 

  1. Human Subjects Training and FID
    1. If you are new to the lab, you will need to complete human subjects training, request key access (grad students only) to the lab space, and if you plan to be involved in fMRI studies you will also need to become level 1 or level 2 certified at the BIC. Please see the Onboarding for new members! page for more details and instructions on how to complete your training. 
  2. Cash Advances 
    1. Before you can begin running paid participants, you will need to be able to pay them.
    2. Check your IRB protocol for specific instructions on how participants are paid.
    3. The Cash Advance Request Form is available here: Cash Advances.


    1. Please follow the instructions on this page as well.
    2. Once you have received your cash advance, you should deposit it in the lab safe (see graduate students for code!). 

  1. Tracking Participant Information 
    1. As you get ready to begin running a study, take some time and put some thought into how you will track all of the subject information you will need such as subject participation info, unique ID #, payment info, contact info etc.




    1. Be sure to keep track of your scan times and subject payment information, because you need to send out an email containing information about scanner usage (even if it was just developmental time) and subject payments totals. 
  1. Participant recruitment
    1. Once you have completed your human subjects training, BIC training if needed, and have been added to the Lab's IRB protocol, you are ready to begin running human subjects. 
  2. Scheduling Participants


  1. . See the participant recruitment page: Participant Recruitment.
  2. Running Participants
    1. Be sure you have access to


  1. Behavioral consent form available on LewPeaLab Dropbox > STUFF > Forms > Consent Forms or here:
  2. Optional demographics sheet available on LewPeaLab Dropbox > STUFF > Forms > Demographics or here:


    1. cash to pay the participant: Cash Advances.
    2. Make sure you understand the protocol for your study. Find the consent form for your study and print out a copy prior to the participant's visit. 
      1. For behavioral studies, you do not need the participant to sign the consent form, verbal consent is sufficient.
      2. For fMRI/EEG/TMS studies, a signed consent form is required. 
        1. Once you have explained the consent form to your participant and they have agreed to participate, have them sign and date the form.
        2. Then you will sign and date the form.
        3. Have an RA make a copy of the consent document for the participant. The other copy gets stored in our lab.  
  1. Subject Payment
    1. At the conclusion of the subject's participation,


    1. have the participant wait in another room and retrieve the cash from the cash box. 
    2. Hand the cash to the participant and thank them for their participation.
    3. The participant will either have to sign the Multiple Participant Payment form or the Single Participant Payment form. Please visit this page for details: Participant Compensation.
  1. Storing Data 
    1. At the IRC
      1. OSIRIX
      2. Thumb drive
    2. In the Lab


      1. XNAT
      2. Corral
      3. Please see the How to Process Neural Data page for more information on how to store and process your neural data. 


      1. Preprocessing fMRI Data
        1. Please see the How to Process Neural Data page for more information on how to store and process your neural data. 
      2. GLM Analysis
      3. MVPA Analysis 
      4. Realtime fMRI 


          1. The LabRaid (Mike's office).
        1. TACC
          1. Corral
      1. Analyzing Data
        1. Behavioral data - Mike gives regular in-house classes on Excel and Matlab analysis.
        2. fMRI data analysis - See the fMRI analysis page. More and more information will be added to this page as time goes on.
      2. Monthly Scanning Charges and Subject Payments Report 
        1. At the end of every month


        1. you will send out a lab email


        1. with scanner time information. Please see the 


        1. Scanner charges page for more details on what should be included in your email.