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To provide an overview and details regarding policies, procedures, and guidelines for attaining approval to extend a formal offer of employment to a professional track faculty member.


Submission Deadlines:

Fall (8/16) Start Dates: June 30

Spring (1/1) Start Dates: October 30



PARs for professional track faculty follow much the same process as tenured and tenure-track hires, however they have fewer requirements. Key items that are not required in most typical PTF PARs:

  • Assessment of teaching competence

  • Any type of financial commitments/other commitments (and therefore approval and documentation of these commitments), beyond the 9-month academic rate (and therefore, also, no requirement/need to enter anything in the COLA Offers database)

  • Appointment process summary


Relevant Definitions:

PAR: Prior Approval Request; includes a *DEFINE (UT Mainframe) doc and a PDF packet; final approval required before formally extending an employment offer to a faculty candidate

PTF: Professional Track Faculty; formerly known as non-tenure-track (NTT) faculty; per HOP 2-2010 Faculty Titles, appointments to these faculty titles are (unless otherwise indicated):

  • not on the tenure track;

  • may be “short-term, two- or three-year fixed term, or two- or three-year rolling term;

  • “may be full- or part- time”; and

  • “shall terminate upon expiration of the stated period of appointment without notification of nonrenewal.”

Pool Posting: a generic posting in Interfolio that collects applications from individuals wanting to teach at UT for a given academic unit; enables units to hire temporary faculty (from the pool of applicants) when needed. See wiki article for details.

  • Academic units planning to recruit for a specialized, unique, and/or longer-term position would create and post an ad on Interfolio separate from the unit's pool posting.

    • In rare and unusual circumstances, with Dean approval, a posting waiver can be submitted to hire PTF. Please contact COLA HR for assistance if you think a posting waiver might be required.



(for general details, such as how to complete a *DEFINE PAR, please see also PAR Handbook and the TTT PAR page)

  1. Determine whether approval for an Instructional Overload (IOF) will be required. If so, follow the IOF wiki instructions.

  2. Create a faculty job requisition in Workday (see WIG for details)

  3. Assemble the items listed in the Provost’s PAR Checklist for non-tenured positions.

    1. Consult COLA guidance on percent time appointments to determine the correct FTE percentage for the hire

    2. Letters should be from faculty with terminal degrees who are capable of speaking to the applicant’s teaching abilities; at least one letter should be from outside the university;

      1. NOTE: Department Chairs/Center Directors may not provide a letter, as they constitute the hiring manager

    3. Appointments that did not require application to a job posting, require a completed Applicant Screening Questionnaire. Please consult the Provost's PAR handbook for examples of PTF hires that do not require postings.

    4. Consult our PTF PAR checklist for detailed instructions and additional assistance.

  4. Create and complete a PAR in DEFINE.

  5. Upon completion of data entry and document compilation, APP the *DEFINE PAR (routing it forward for review and approval), and upload PAR PDF packet and Word version of draft offer letter to the COLA PAR Submissions Portal.


Related policies:

COLA Faculty Policies 


Other Related Links:

Provost PAR Handbook

Provost Faculty Knowledge Base

COLA PTF PAR checklist

VIRTEL (UT Mainframe; location of *DEFINE)