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See EVPP: Prior Approval Request (PAR) Process.

DEFINE document types

PAR menu in *DEFINE:

  • FPN: Tenure-track and non-tenure track hires

  • FPT: Full and Associate Professor (tenured) hires

  • FPR: Research/Adjoint Faculty hires

  • FP1: List PARs by EID (must enter exact year)

Section-by-section instructions for completing the electronic PAR document in DEFINE are below.
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Table of Contents
excludeDEFINE document types

PAR menu in *DEFINE:


FPN: Tenure-track and non-tenure track hires


FPT: Full and Associate Professor (tenured) hires


FPR: Research/Adjoint Faculty hires



Section One - Position Information


Alternate job code and rate: These fields pertain only to hires made with degree contingencies, and become available for editing only if a Contingency Type is indicated in PAR Section 3. See COE: Degrees and Contingencies for more information, including types of contingencies available.

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Section Two - Funding Commitments


  • A = Attached (included in PAR packet or listed in offer letter). Most funding commitments should be in this status.

  • F = Forthcoming

  • I = Incomplete

  • N = Not Applicable

  • Y = On File (rarely used for financial commitments)

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Section Three - Biographical Information


Current mailing and email addresses: For mailing address, a home mailing address is preferred.

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Section Four - Endowment Information


Section four is informational only, and pulls endowment information entered in Section 1 (Position Information), if any. No updates should be made to this section.

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Section Five - ALL PARs in Fiscal Year


Section five is informational only, and lists all other PARs that may have been created for the faculty candidate during the given fiscal year. This can be useful as a reference when working with other departments and colleges on a joint or courtesy appointment. No updates should be made to this section.

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Section Six - Course Load Information


    -- ESTIMATE --     
                                                                      Meets  Nbr  Avg  Team 
  Sem Abbr Course  Unique         Title            With   Sec  Enr    Teach
 > SP                              

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Section Seven - Offer Status and Supporting Documentation


English Proficiency: This should match the information provided on the Attachment A: Primary Language Determination form (to be included in the PAR packet).

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Section Eight - Prior Approval Comments


For joint hires, include in comments the doc ID of all associated PARs, for example: "Joint hire with Department Y. Joint PAR doc ID is X0FPXYYYYYY." See COE: Hiring Joint Faculty for more information.

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