Hiring Joint Faculty

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A joint hire is a formal relationship with both the primary owning unit and any additional units, in each of which the faculty member is considered a full-fledged faculty member. The primary owning unit must be an academic department and serves as the organizational home of the faculty member, generally taking the lead in any administrative processes.

Each unit should submit a separate PAR and use the same title and nine-month academic rate for each. The total FTE of the primary and all joint positions should not exceed 100%. 

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Job requisitions

Note that a separate job requisition must be created for each supervisory organization into which the faculty member will be hired. For additional guidance, see COE: Job Requisitions in Workday - Faculty.

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Joint hire PAR

Important routing note: The primary PAR must "push" to Workday before the joint PAR. If the joint PAR pushes first, Workday will generate an error, and the PAR will not push. Both the primary and joint PARs should be created at the same time, but the primary PAR should be routed first.

For joint hires of tenured and tenure-track faculty, a separate PAR must be processed by each department providing salary funding for the position. The PAR for the primary department is processed differently than PARs for any secondary departments. Instructions for each PAR type are below.

For additional guidance, see COE: Hiring Tenured Faculty.

Primary Unit PAR

  1. PAR section 1:

    1. Position type is "Primary"

    2. Percent time is the FTE of that unit only

      1. Example: For a 75/25 split, the primary department percent time will be 75%.

    3. Percent distribution funding details describes that unit's contributions from their accounts only.

      1. Example: If annual salary of the primary unit's portion of the appointment is funded solely by the department's instructional account, percent distribution will be 100% of that account, regardless of FTE.

  2. PAR section 2:

    1. The primary PAR includes all funding commitments. The joint PAR includes only their proportional FTE of annual academic salary.

      1. If a situation arises that might call for an exception to this, such as a significant financial contribution by the secondary department, please contact COE-FacultyAffairs@austin.utexas.edu to discuss.

  3. PAR section 8: Enter any special comments that will communicate special circumstances involved with the PAR and help facilitate processing of the electronic document. Include the doc ID of all joint PARs, for example: "Joint hire with Department Y. Joint PAR doc ID is X0FPXYYYYYY."

  4. Follow all other usual PAR procedures:

    1. COE: Hiring Tenure-Track Faculty

    2. COE: Hiring Tenured Faculty

  5. IMPORTANT: Primary PAR must "push" to Workday before joint PAR. For tenured/tenure-track hires, pushing to Workday happens after EVPP has both received the signed offer letter and final-approved the PAR.

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Secondary Unit PAR

  1. PAR section 1:

    1. Position type is "Joint"

    2. Percent time is the FTE of that unit only

      1. Example: For a 25/75 split, the secondary department percent time will be 25%

    3. Percent distribution in funding details describes that unit's contributions from their accounts only

      1. Example: If annual salary of the additional unit's portion of the appointment is funded solely by the department's instructional account, percent distribution will be 100% of that account, regardless of FTE.

  2. PAR section 2:  The primary PAR includes all funding commitments.

    1. If a situation arises that might call for an exception to this, such as a significant financial contribution by the secondary department, please contact COE-FacultyAffairs@austin.utexas.edu to discuss.

  3. PAR section 8: Enter any special comments that will communicate special circumstances involved with the PAR and help facilitate processing of the electronic document. Include the doc ID of all joint PARs, for example: "Joint hire with Department X. Primary PAR doc ID is X0FPXYYYYYY."

  4. Email COE-FacultyAffairs@austin.utexas.edu a PDF of the completed and signed (but not yet routed) joint PAR. This will be attached to the primary PAR submitted to EVPP.

    1. Since the primary PAR must "push" to Workday before the joint PAR does, do not approve the joint PAR forward until the primary PAR has been approved by the College.

    2. Physical documentation should include a copy of the offer letter. All other Supporting Documentation listed in PAR section 7 can be designated "On File".

    3. Follow all other usual PAR procedures:

      1. COE: Hiring Tenure-Track Faculty

      2. COE: Hiring Tenured Faculty

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Tenured hires - dossier review

Only one packet is needed for joint hires. The tenure statements from the dean and department chair of the joint college/department, and copy of the joint PAR coversheet with signatures, should be included with the primary department’s packet.

Joint hire dossiers should include more than three letters (five or six is recommended) since more than one department is being represented in the hire. A minimum of three arms-length assessment letters. Letters from reviewers who are not sufficiently arms-length will not count toward the minimum requirement. The guiding principles for selecting reviewers for promotion and tenure purposes are applicable to the hiring process. 

For additional guidance, see COE: Hiring Tenured Faculty.

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Offer letter

For additional guidance, see COE: Hiring Tenured Faculty.

A joint hire requires separate Workday job requisitions and separate PARs from each department involved, but a single offer letter. The letter should be written to include all offer details for all units, and describing each unit's contribution. For example:

  • "Your appointment will be 75% in the Department of X and 25% in the Department of Y."

  • "The normal teaching load in the departments is two courses per semester. You will teach three courses per year for Department X and one course per year for Department Y."

  • "Your teaching duties are expected to be in the areas of X and Y."

COE Faculty Affairs drafts all tenured and tenure-track offer letters. The primary department should take the lead in working with COE Faculty Affairs, and secondary departments are expected to collaborate. The letter should be addressed from and include separate signature blocks for the chairs of all departments involved, and a copy of the draft should be included in both the primary and joint PAR packets.

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Please send suggested additions to this page and notifications about broken links to COE-FacultyAffairs@austin.utexas.edu.