Job Requisitions in Workday - Faculty

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Which faculty positions need Workday job requisitions?

Job requisitions are required for Job Profiles in the following Academic Job Family Group Job Families:

  • Administrative & Professional - Research

  • Faculty Non-Tenure track (12 month)

  • Faculty Non-Tenure track (9 month)

  • Faculty Tenure/Tenure-Track (12 month)

  • Faculty Tenure/Tenure-Track (9 month)

Job requisitions are optional for Job Profiles in the following Academic Job Family Group Job Families:

  • Administrative & Professional - Academic

  • Administrative & Professional - Research Fellows

  • Extension Instructor

Job requisitions are not allowed for Job Profiles in the following Academic Job Family Group Job Family:

  • Summer Assignment - Academic

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Processing a faculty job requisition in Workday

For instructions, see:

Once the rank of the hire has been determined, a job requisition can be created in Workday. The job requisition number will be included in the PAR document in DEFINE. 

In "Recruiting information" section in Workday, always use "Reason: Academic: New position" and "Recruiting Instruction: Posting not required (Academic)" for faculty job requisitions.

Worker type for summer faculty jobs and Faculty Associate jobs should be Fixed Term; all others should always be Expected to Continue.

Supervisory organizations (sup orgs)

Create in PM sup org:

  • Tenured/tenure-track faculty requisitions (except for faculty summer Additional Jobs)

Create in JM sup org:

  • Professional-track faculty job requisitions

  • All (professional-track and tenured/tenure-track) faculty summer Additional Jobs

Most department chairs will have at least two JM sup orgs: one under their chair position, and one under their faculty position. For faculty job reqs, always use the sup org with subtype "5 - Academic Department" (see image below). Do not use sup orgs labeled "(Inherited)."

Joint hires

Joint hires require a separate job requisition for each department in which the new hire will be appointed.

Best practices

  • Add identifying names to job requisitions to help them tie them to their intended jobs - example "R_00012345 Assoc Prof in School Psych".

  • For fall start date, use recruiting start and target hire dates of 1/1/20XX preceding the actual expected start date (example: for fall 2024 start date, use 1/1/2024). For spring starts, use 9/1/20XX (the September preceding the actual start date). Dates cannot be changed after an employee is hired.

  • Once the job requisition is approved, make note of the job requisition number (e.g. R_00001234) - it will be used in the PAR process.

  • For faculty job requisitions where more than one position is created, it is important to keep track of their use in hires, and know how many remain available. If a job requisition is entered into a PAR, and open positions are no longer available at the time of approval, it may become necessary to both create a new job requisition, and supersede the approved PAR in order to enter that new job requisition number. This is particularly important for professional-track faculty positions.

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How to search for a Job Requisition in Workday

Search for an unfilled job requisitions

  • Search for the sup org in Workday.

  • Go to the "Staffing" tab, and look under "Requisitions Available to Fill".

Search for a job requisition in any status

  • Search for "Manage Job Requisitions".

  • To search multiple sup orgs at the same time, search the "Supervisory Organization" field and select all desired options.

  • Select Job Requisition Status(es). Options are Closed, Filled, Frozen, and Open.

  • To view details of a specific job req, or to copy it to create a new job req, click on the Job Req ID to travel to it, and view the "Details" tab.


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