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High-Level Overview:




  • All T/TT candidates meet with one of the deans (meetings may be conducted via Zoom). Information on faculty candidate meetings with the Deans was sent via separate email and is posted on the List of Deans section of the COLA website.



  • Departments may invite finalists to campus for in-person visits or conduct interviews virtually. Faculty candidates who visit campus must adhere to all University Travel Guidelines and are  asked to follow guidance of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

  • Departments may request funding support from the Dean’s Office for faculty candidate visits. Submit a Special Funding Request (SFR) for reasonable expenses* in advance of the visits:

    • Submit via the SFR system

    • Use commitment type ADMN – Administrative Commitments

    • In the description field input Faculty Recruitment

    • Attach a detailed budget (*reasonable expenses may include: airfare/transportation, hotel costs, limited meals/entertainment expenses adhering to UT and COLA entertainment policy)



  • NOTE: For full step-by-step details of this process and its requirements, please see the TTT PAR wiki.

  • Once all interviews are complete and a final candidate has been selected:

    • Departments should begin negotiating terms of the offer with Associate Dean Steve Hoelscher


    • and begin preparing materials for the PAR




    • wiki.

    • As soon as a successful candidate is identified, departments must submit preliminary materials via Associate Dean Steve Hoelscher for Tenured Candidate Pre-Review process.

    • Once pre-review is approved from the Provost’s Office, COLA HR will notify the department and provide instructions to upload materials for the New Hire Tenure Review file. When all of the materials are assembled, COLA HR will arrange the ad hoc tenure review and will notify the department of the result.

  • Upon final approval of the PAR, the official job offer can be extended to the candidate.



  • General questions:  COLA HR

  • Meetings to discuss recruitment/hiring terms:  Steve Hoelscher; schedule via Hannah Young



Tenured & Tenure-Track Faculty Search and Job Posting Process


To provide policies and procedures for posting faculty search advertisements on Interfolio. 


Relevant Definitions: 

Interfolio: The approved university platform for advertising open faculty searches. 

  • For new users: To request access to Interfolio, please send name, EID, department, and reason needing access to

Job ID: 5-digit number tied to every posting created


FRD ID: 4-digit Faculty Recruitment Database number recording approval to conduct a faculty search

  • For new users: To request access to the Faculty Recruitment Database, please send name, EID, department, and reason needing access to

through Interfolio 



  1. Dean determines faculty lines for which departments have permission to recruit and notifies chairs; specifies materials to be submitted for each search:

    1. Hiring Summary - the department's plan for the recruitment

    2. Draft job advertisement (ad)

  2. Department chair submits requested materials to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.

  3. Deans review submitted materials and inform department chair the search is authorized to proceed, or request more information. 

  4. Upon dean’s approval, COLA HR reviews draft job ad. 

  5. COLA HR returns draft advertisement to department with any recommended revisions, repeating until all parties agree on language. Minimum job posting expectations include: 

    1. Brief but descriptive title capturing the essence of the


    1. search 

    2. Precise contours of the search relevant to rank and


    1. title 

    2. Clear statement delimiting areas of expertise under


    1. consideration 

    2. Clear statement of position expectations and duties to be


    1. performed 

    2. Clear statement of degree


    1. requirement 

    2. Statement of criteria on which the hire will be


    1. made 

    2. Clear statement of materials required for a complete application. If additional materials might be requested of finalists or a short-list, this must be stated. 

    3. Clear statement as to whether there is a firm application deadline or whether applications will be accepted until the position is filled and, if so, when review of applications will begin. 

    4. Statement that salary is competitive and commensurate with experience and qualifications. 

    5. Statement that position funding is subject to budget


    1. availability 

  1. Department submits job posting for review in Interfolio.


    1. For Interfolio help,


    1. go to their site:

      1. The Help Center will require you to log in.

      2. Choose “Sign in with your institution” and use the search to find “The University of Texas at Austin” – this will take you through UT’s authentication and on to their help center and/or your Interfolio account home page.

  1. COLA HR double-checks job ad


  1. and approves Interfolio posting, which then routes to the Provost's Office for final approval.

  2. Upon final approval, department sets status to “accepting


  1. publications.” The department will also need to Publish the position. To do that:

    1. Choose “Edit Position” under the “Position Actions” menu (see screenshot).

      edit-position-interfolio.jpgImage Added
    2. Then, find the “Position Advertising” section of the position, where you will see a blue “Publish” button to click (see screenshot). This will also generate the URL for the ad.

      publish-pos-button.jpgImage Added


Other Related Links: 



Note: To access web- or FileMaker Pro-version of the database off-campus, you must be logged into VPN.


HR Faculty Recruitment Training Materials


Interfolio Faculty Search Guide
