Versions Compared


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Incoming and Outgoing loans are separate record types. When creating a loan record, choose either an Incoming loan record or Outgoing. You cannot change the loan type after it is created. To correct a mistake, simply delete the incorrect record and create a new one. 

To query incoming vs. outgoing loans, select “LoanIN”

  • = Yes for incoming
  • = No for outgoing

Loan IDLoan Number

IL prefix for incoming loans, year expected for loan start date, next number within year

  • IL.2022.#

OL prefix for outgoing loans, year expected for loan start date, next number within yearIL.2022.#

  • OL.2023.#


Not required. Shorthand to identify loan at a glance (e.g. “Stella-Brooklyn”)

General Loan Classifications

Loan Purpose

Exhibitionfor loan to external and internal exhibitions
Collectionincoming loans for display in collection galleries (i.e., not associated with specific exhibition)
, and outgoing loans to external exhibitions organized by third parties
Otherloan to conservator or other infrequent instances

Loan Type (Security Group)

Proposedrequest and planning phaseActive

loan is in request process with lender

loan is secured

loan is on site or within shipping jurisdiction

Closedcancelled, declined, completed (returned)
Incoming LoanBlanton is borrower
Outgoing Loan

Blanton is lender

Loan Status

Used to denote production timeline of the loan, to be updated as the loan progresses

Pendingplanning, unconfirmed, no request sent
Requestedloan request sent by Blanton, but not approved by lender


Loan confirmed, and
loan agreement completed, but loan term has not started
Cancelledcancelled by external requestor
Currentborrower has custody of object

returned to lender or returned by


remember to change the objects’ department classification to Inactive



has custody of object

Declinedrequest not approved by lender
Cancelledrequest recalled by borrower
Not Assigneddefault, avoid use
Pendingplanning, unconfirmed, no request sentRequestedloan request sent, but not approved