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Faculty Funding

Graduate Student Funding






Overview: The College's Research Intensive Award (RIA) relieves faculty members of teaching their required organized classes for one long semester to devote their attention to a research project. 

Implementation: This revised policy goes into effect September 1, 2022 and will supersede previous College Research Fellowships policies.


  • COLA tenured and tenure-track faculty are eligible to receive an RIA.
  • RIAs are pre-awarded and provided to faculty as part of hiring contracts, retention offers, post-administrative service, or other commitments.

Regulations/ Guidelines:

  • Faculty should consult with their Department Chair to confirm their intent to take their RIA, identify they preferred semester, and discuss research plans.
  • Faculty must formally apply for the RIA to confirm the semester they intend to use the award. Applications are submitted in the year prior to the intended RIA semester. Late applications may not be considered. 

Applications: Applications can be submitted October 3 - October 31 via Qualtrics.


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Overview: Faculty who are awarded prestigious external fellowships may apply for supplemental funding from the College of Liberal Arts to support their fellowship award via COLA Co-Sponsored External Fellowships (formerly Supplemental College Research Fellowships/SCRFs). Co-Sponsored External Fellowships (CSEFs) are limited to a maximum of 50% of a faculty member’s salary for the award period, regardless of the amount of salary that the external funding covers. The length of the external fellowship may vary to accommodate the requirements of the granting agency.

Implementation: This revised policy will go into effect September 1, 2022 and supersedes previous Supplemental College Research Fellowships policies.


  • Faculty are eligible to apply for CSEF funding if the external fellowship pays at least 50% of their salary for the period of the award, based on their academic rate at the time of application. The cost of fringe is exempted from calculating the 50% salary requirement.
  • Faculty are eligible to apply for CSEF funding support every four years. Aligning with eligibility guidelines for the University’s Faculty Development Leave (FDL) program, faculty must have served as full-time faculty members of UT Austin for at least four academic years since any previous CSEF award or any previous FDL award.


  • Prior to applying for external fellowships, faculty should consult with their Department Chair to discuss fellowship and research plans.
  • Faculty must notify their department and the COLA Research Support Office upon submitting external fellowship applications, including the terms of acceptance and associated deadlines, even if the granting agency does not require the application and/or the grant/fellowship to route through the University. If faculty do not notify their department, they will be ineligible to apply for CSEF funding, even if the external fellowship is paid directly to the faculty member.
  • Faculty apply for CSEF funding as soon as they receive confirmation of the outside award. The application must include the award confirmation letter. Late applications may not be considered.
  • Faculty who accept CSEF funding must comply with the “return rule” policy. Recipients are expected to return to normal University duties for at least one academic year (two long semesters) following their fellowship semester. A recipient who leaves the University without returning for the required timeframe is obligated to reimburse UT for the cost of the CSEF award. Faculty currently on a CSEF leave should not apply for new external fellowships that result in another leave during the return period.

Exemptions from the 50% Salary Requirement: Faculty may request exemptions from the 50% salary requirement (i.e., apply for CSEF funding even if the external fellowship does not cover 50% of salary for the award period). The following fellowship programs are typically considered exempt from the 50% requirement, conditional on funding and COLA’s FDL compliance. Faculty must still formally apply for CSEF funding.

  • American Academy in Rome
  • American Association of University Women
  • American Council of Learned Societies
  • Ford Foundation Fellowships
  • Fulbright Scholars Program
  • Guggenheim Fellowships
  • Institute for Research in the Humanities
  • National Endowment for the Arts
  • National Endowment for the Humanities
  • National Humanities Center
  • Network of European Institutes of Advanced Study

*Please note: In addition to this policy, if the CSEF award funds 50% or more of the faculty member's salary across an academic year, the award may also be considered a Faculty Development Leave (FDL). In such cases, eligibility and processes must follow FDL guidelines.

Contact: Please contact with any questions.

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Littlefield and Ransom Faculty Fellows

Through the generosity of donors to the College of Liberal Arts, the Littlefield Faculty Fellows and Ransom Faculty Fellows programs support outstanding scholarship in COLA, recognizing the many ways such work can have an impact on our students and the broader world. These programs provide support for faculty research and related teaching and public engagement across the college.


For questions, please contact Kaley Aguero at

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OVPR/COLA Partnership to Support Scholarship in the Humanities and Social Sciences


The Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) and the College of Liberal Arts (COLA) have partnered to create two funding sources to support COLA faculty members engaged in scholarship in the broad areas of the humanities and social sciences, respectively. The OVPR and COLA will jointly fund the Humanities Fund and Social Sciences Fund, with each at $50,000 per year, to support applications from COLA faculty over the course of the academic year. These sources are intended to help faculty cover lower-level expenses that arise over the course of a project (e.g., licensing fees, archive and field travel, equipment), not the larger-scale expenses addressed through COLA’s new Littlefield and Ransom Faculty Fellowships or the various programs offered by the OVPR. As such, they should not serve as the sole or primary funder for a project, cannot substitute for other sources of internal funding, and are best employed in conjunction with external funding. The goal is to help COLA faculty start or complete projects in the face of unanticipated or unbudgeted but necessary expenses.


Application process:
At this Qualtrics Application link, eligible faculty can submit their applications via Microsoft Forms (Applicant will be prompted to log onto UT Microsoft Outlook with their UT email to access the application form.)to be considered for OVPR/CoLA Partnership Funds.

The application requires:


Contact: Please direct questions about this program to the COLA Research Support Office at

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College Subvention Grants

The College of Liberal Arts has limited funds for one-time grants that provide subventions for College faculty who are unable to obtain funding from the University Subvention Grant Program or other sources. *Note that priority will be given to tenure-track faculty.
Publications can be in any language and any discipline within the College of Liberal Arts. Funds The College of Liberal Arts created the Subvention Grant opportunity to support the publication of books by COLA faculty and students. Recognizing the changing landscape of academic publishing, COLA expanded this program in 2022 to provide support for faculty and students publishing articles in high-impact, peer-reviewed journals that have publication fees. In both cases, funds are paid directly to the publisher; , and authors may not be reimbursed from the account. If awarded support, the author and publisher must agree to acknowledge the College of Liberal Arts at The University of Texas at Austin for the subvention grant, preferably in the front section of the bookthe University of Texas at Austin for the subvention grant.

For more information, please download the COLA Subvention Grant Guidelines and COLA Subvention Grant Application.

Contact: For questions, contact Liberal Arts Research Support Office at

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COLA Graduate Student External Award Supplement Fund


The College of Liberal Arts (COLA) is creating has created a fund to support COLA graduate students who obtain large (usually $15,000 or more), competitive, prestigious external fellowships to support their degree work and dissertations in the broad areas of the humanities and social sciences. This fund is specifically intended to defray health insurance and tuition costs for graduate students when their external fellowships do not cover these costscosts for graduate students when their external fellowships do not cover these costs, and at times, to assist the student getting to the $20K COLA PhD graduate student minimum funding level. Please note that we require Department support as part of this request and will assess what contribution the Department or home program is also providing the student. It cannot substitute for other sources of internal funding, including the Dean’s Prestigious Fellowship Supplement offered by the Graduate School. As such, graduate advisers and graduate coordinators should first seek the Dean’s Prestigious Fellowship Supplement, which awards students up to $1,000 and entitles them to in-state tuition. In cases where the student wishes to enroll in only 3 semester credit hours and full-time enrollment is not required by the funder, this expectation may be waived. The goal is to support COLA graduate student fellowship-seeking and research activity and to enable timely degree completion.   


  • Funds are meant to cover the cost of COLA tuition and/or student health insurance during the duration of a prestigious external fellowship 
  • Students should be within six years of their current COLA degree program at the time of receipt of the award. 
  • MA students are eligible to apply, but FLAS fellowships are excluded from this fund. The College is working on a separate solution to address FLAS insurance costs.  

4. Applications submitted by the graduate advisor or graduate coordinator (on behalf of the student) will be accepted—and funding decisions made—on a rolling basis 5 

5. Departments should also be providing some funding or supplemental support to the graduate student.

6. Award amounts will be determined by need and availability of funds.  

Application process: 

At this link, departmental graduate advisors or coordinators must submit applications on behalf of the student via Microsoft Forms (Applicant will be prompted to log onto UT Microsoft Outlook with their UT email to access the application formQualtrics survey and will upload a copy of the external funding offer to UTBox.  (UTBox link is also within the Qualtrics application.) 

The application requires: 

  • Student Department Information, including Graduate Advisor  or Graduate Coordinator name and email
  • Graduate student name, EID, and email 
  • Student entry cohort and department 
  • Graduate Advisor or coordinator name and email Graduate student entry cohort 
  • External Fellowship Award Type/Name
  • Dissertation or research project title 
  • Project Dissertation or research project abstract (250 words or less) 
  • Department contribution and/or provided student support
  • Funding request type (tuition and/or insurance) and amount(s)  
  • Proposed Academic Year and Semester(s) 
  • List department contribution and/or other support (e.g., OGS Dean’s Prestigious Fellowship Supplement) requested or received for the project. 
  • Copy of the student’s external award letter  letter uploaded to UTBox.
  • Signature of Graduate Advisor or Coordinator 


  • Awardees will be responsible for reporting on degree progress by the end of the specified period. 
  • Receipt of funding comes with the agreement that COLA may feature awardee’s projects on its website and/or in communications about institutional investments in humanities and social science scholarship.

Contact: Please contact Erica WhittingtonJessica Luhn, Director of the Office of Research and Graduate StudiesAssistant Director for Graduate Education, with any questions.  

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