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  • Projects should request a maximum of $20,000 per year in funding, except for GRA positions.
  • GRA positions to support research may be requested and are budgeted at a rate of $19,000 per yearthe minimum GRA rate published each year by CoLA HR, plus tuition and fringe. If requested, only minimal additional funding requests beyond the GRA will be considered in that funding year.
  • Teaching release awards of up to two courses, spread across two or more semesters, may be requested for faculty normally on 2-2 teaching loads. In this case, funding in the amount of $9,000 per course will be provided to the department for replacement instructors; course releases under this program are available only to faculty with a four course per year teaching load. The $9,000 support per course will count toward the $20,000 award maximum.
  • Faculty summer salary will not be funded under this program
  • For all award types, applicants may request up to an additional $1,000 to support student or public engagement plans, beyond the direct research support or teaching release funding.

Application Deadline (Fall semester, date TBA): Applications should be submitted to the department chair (or their delegate); Department chairs will forward submissions to the Dean’s office submission portal with a ranking of the departmental submissions, based on the award criteria described below. Funding can begin as early as the following January.

Applications should be in the form of a single document with the following sections, clearly labeled and adhering to the word count limits noted for each section.



  • Requests for funding are typically limited to a maximum of $3,000 in any given year.
  • Applications will be accepted—and funding decisions made—on a rolling basis.
  • Information on ineligible expenses is listed below.
  • Although not required, the following considerations may be used to prioritize applications:
  • Use of the award to supplement past or current external funding or as a foundation for future proposals for external funding
  • Collaborative and especially interdisciplinary projects
  • Projects involving graduate or undergraduate students in the scholarship


The College of Liberal Arts (COLA) has created a fund to support COLA graduate students who obtain large (usually $15,000 or more), competitive, prestigious external fellowships to support their degree work and dissertations in the broad areas of the humanities and social sciences. This fund is specifically intended to defray health insurance and tuition costs for graduate students when their external fellowships do not cover these costs, and at times, to assist the student getting to the $20K COLA PhD graduate student minimum funding level. Please note that we require Department support as part of this request and will assess what contribution the Department or home program is also providing the student. It cannot substitute for other sources of internal funding, including the Dean’s Prestigious Fellowship Supplement offered by the Graduate School. As such, graduate advisers and graduate coordinators should first seek the Dean’s Prestigious Fellowship Supplement, which awards students up to $1,000 and entitles them to in-state tuition. In cases where the student wishes to enroll in only 3 semester credit hours and full-time enrollment is not required by the funder, this expectation may be waived. The goal is to support COLA graduate student fellowship-seeking and research activity and to enable timely degree completion.   
