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Open Resolve.







(we're using version 12.5)

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Click the New Project buttonImage Modified

Name your project.


(Hint: whatever name you use here, Avid will recognize in the media tool later. Some editors name it the same as their Avid project name to simplify matters.)

Your new project will open

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Double click
Make sure you are on the
project icon.Image Removed
"Media" tab

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Navigate to your
4K clips from your A7Sii,
camera originals that you copied to your hard drive
or share
.Image Modified

Select all the clips you want to transcode into Avid media.

(This is usually all the clips)

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Either right

Right click and choose "Add into Media Pool"


drag the clips into the media pool

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Click the EDIT button at the bottom of the interface.
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Press Command + N to make a new timeline.Image Modified

Uncheck "Empty Timeline"

This will make a timeline with all of your clips from the media pool.

Click "Create"

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Uncheck use Project Settings

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The go to the Format tab and make sure the Format matches your clip

>Aspect Ratio

>Frame Rate 

Make sure it matches.

Note if you shot 4K 4096 x 2160 you need to use the PAID version of Resolve 

The free version only supports UHD 3840 x 2160.

Then hit create

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Click the "Deliver" button at the bottom of the interface.Image Modified
Choose AVID AAF from the render settings. You may have to scroll to the right to find it.Image Modified

Browse to a location you want your MXF files

to live in.


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to save to

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Click on the Video Tab and choose to 

>Export Video

Format - MXF OP-Atom

Codec DNxHR


>Check Render at source resolution

>Check Use Constant Bit Rate

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Then Click on Advanced Settings

Check the box for Retain sub-black and super-white data

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Then Click on the Audio Tab - If you want to export Audio - If you do not then UNCHECK Export Audio

Do NOT choose "Same As Source" for the Channels drop down. (your audio will come out as static)


Make sure to choose 2 for the Channels drop down.

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To make it easy on yourself, you'll want to browse to a location that AVID will immediately understand.

For example, if you're media is on an external drive browse to:

YOUR_DRIVE/Avid MediaFiles/MXF/1


If you're on editshare...


...or ISIS, then you need to know the computer name of the computer your working on under System Preferences>Sharing

The name of my computer in this example is COMM858903

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then you'll browse to


in the pic above that would be:

YOUR_SHARE/Avid MediaFiles/MXF/COMM858903

or it might be

YOUR_SHARE/Avid MediaFiles/MXF/COMM858903.1

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Choose a codec that best suits your needs.

If you want to finish in AVID and want 4K choose a DNxHR format.

Image RemovedChoose to render at source resolutionImage Removed

Choose 24 BIt

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Click Add to Render QueueImage Modified
In the upper right of the interface, you should see the job added.Image Modified
Click "Start Render"

Get some coffee

.You may want to open an empty Word document to keep the computer from logging off if you plan on walking away for a while

Open Avid.

(we're on Media Comoser 8.6.1 in this wiki)

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If you name your Avid Project the same as your Resolve Project, media management will be easier for you.

Choose UHD 23.976

Click OK

and click OK to open the project.

Image RemovedGo To Tools > Media ToolImage Removed

Choose the drive where you saved the Resolve files (for us it was the ISIS)

Choose the Project name you gave in Resolve (which should be the same as Avid because you like to work smart)

click Master Clips

click OK

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Hopefully when you come back, Resolve looks like this.Image Modified

Close Resolve, Save if you plan on finishing in Resolve. See this wiki to see how to save a Resolve Project

DaVinci Resolve - How to Relink Offline Media from a Exported Project


Put the Color Corrected files from Resolve into your AVID Project.
Open the exported Resolve files. There will be ONE .aaf file and several .mxf files.
This example is short - most projects will have a lot more .mxf files.

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AVID reads media from the Avid MediaFiles folder on the root level of the hard drive.

The .mxf files exported from Davinci Resolve must be moved to this folder. See example below.

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Copy or Move the .mxf files to the AVID MediaFiles>MXF>1 folder

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After the files are moved to the Avid MediaFiles

>MXF>1 folder on the hard drive open the AVID Project or make a new one.

Launch AVIDMediaComposer

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Open your project

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Make sure your project window is open

>Tools >Project

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Make a New Bin

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Title the new bin "Color Corrected Footage"

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Go to >File>Input>Import Media

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Navigate to the .aaf file in the Resolve exported media folder and select it.

Choose Open

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You should see your clips load in the
media tool
bin along with a timeline that resembles what was in Resolve that you rendered out.Image Modified
They will be associated with the project name you gave in Resolve.Image Modified

If they are not there, you may need to delete some data base files, or you saved them in the wrong spot.

(you'll want to get the proctor for this)

 Drag the clips from the media tool into a bin in your project and start editing.Image Removed