Versions Compared


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Year of full-time probationary service:  Serving in rank as an Instructor or Assistant Professor at UT, paid via UT for full-time (40 SWH) employment, for both Fall and Spring of an academic year, regardless of the funding source(s) of the faculty’s pay.

Year: refers to the academic year


(AY), which is made up of the two “long” semesters


, Fall and Spring.

  • Prior to 2024-25, academic year dates were 9/1-5/31; Fall (9/1-1/15


  • ) and Spring


  • (1/16-5/31


  • ).

  • 2024-25 and onward, academic year dates are 8/16-5/15; Fall (8/16-12/31) and Spring (1/1-5/15).

Full-time: refers to being on UT’s payroll for 40 hours/week for the entire 9-month academic year with no leaves without



Counting vs. Not Counting:

  • Each year in a tenure-track rank either counts or doesn’t count towards tenure clock.

  • A year of full-time probationary service counts, unless the faculty member is approved for EPP for that year.

  • EPPs should not be requested for years that already don’t count.

    • Examples:

      • Asst. Prof. hired on 1/16/2021: AY 2020-21 would not count.

      • Asst. Prof. has a visiting faculty job at another university from 9/1/2019-5/31/2020 (paid by other university; LWOP from UT); AY 2019-20 would not count.

      • Asst. Prof. has an external fellowship in Fall 2021 that covers half of their salary; the other 50% is covered by an approved SCRF/CSEF. The external fellowship stipend is paid directly to faculty member, so they are on 50% LWOP for 9/1/21-1/15/22; AY 2021-22 would not count.      

Service Now: Provost’s Office ticketing and workflow system introduced in FY23-24.



  1. Assistant Professor sends Department Chair a written request for an extension of their probationary period, including the reason(s) for their request and specifying the


  1. academic year to which the EPP would apply. 

  2. Chair/department staff confirm EPP request meets eligibility guidelines.

  3. If Chair supports request, Chair writes a brief statement of support. Chair should send both written statements to department manager (or other designated staff person).

  4. Department staff member should submit the two written statements via the EPP and MID portal.

    1. The request and chair support statements can be emails, but if so, please save the emails as PDFs prior to uploading.

    2. File names:

      1. Assistant Professor’s request: “YY-YY_Lastname_EPP-Request”

      2. Chair’s supporting statement: “YY-YY_Lastname_Chair-Support”

      3. YY-YY = the academic year to which the EPP would be applied

      4. Lastname = the Assistant Professor’s last name


  1. COLA HR will


  1. use the


  1. faculty request and chair's


  1. support to confirm eligibility and attach to the EVPP Service Now form, which will route through faculty member & chair (for verification) and the Dean for approval before routing to the Provost's Office [Academic Personnel Services] for final review and approval.

  2. The Provost's Office reviews the request; if approved, the Provost's Office


  1. will add the


  1. approval memo


  1. to the Service Now ticket.

  2. COLA HR sends the Assistant Professor and Chair (cc: Dept. Staff) the


  1. approval


  1. memo and requests that the Assistant Professor sign the


  1. memo to acknowledge


  1. receipt & their understanding of the impact on their tenure probationary timeline.

  2. After signing, the Assistant Professor


  1. returns the memo to COLA HR (cc: Dept Staff). Asst. Prof. and Dept. keep copies for their files.

  2. COLA HR


  1. attaches signed memo to Service Now ticket and keeps a copy on file (along with the request documents).

How to Request that an EPP be Rescinded:

The EPP Approval notification memo signed by the Assistant Professor explains that the faculty member has the option to request that their extension be rescinded.

Deadline: February 1 prior to the Fall in which they would have their promotion review


  1. Faculty member sends an email to their Department Chair(s) requesting that their EPP be rescinded; ideally, attaching their signed EPP acknowledgment for everyone's reference.

  2. If Department Chair approves, forwards Asst. Prof. request to COLA HR, cc: Dept Staff, including a brief note that they approve this request.

  3. COLA HR staff will


  1. review the request details and submit, with documentation, via EVPP Service Now, which will route through faculty member, chair, and Dean prior to EVPP.

  2. EVPP will attach an approval memo to the Service Now ticket when ready, which will also generate an email notification for COLA HR. 

  3. COLA HR sends the Assistant Professor and Chair (cc: Dept. Staff) the rescind approval memo and requests that the Assistant Professor sign the memo to acknowledge receipt & their understanding of the impact on their tenure probationary timeline.

  4. After signing, the Assistant Professor returns the memo to COLA HR (cc: Dept Staff). Asst. Prof. and Dept. keep copies for their files.

  5. COLA HR attaches signed memo to Service Now ticket and keeps a copy on file (along with the request documents).


Related policies:

HOP 2-2020: Extension of the Tenure Track Probationary Period
