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titleSection 1: Position

Section One - Position Information

See EVPP: PAR Process - Section One: Position Information for additional instructions.

DEFINE document types

PAR menu in *DEFINE:

  • FPN: Tenure-track and non-tenure track hires
  • FPT: Full and Associate Professor (tenured) hires
  • FPR: Research/Adjoint Faculty hires
  • FP1: List PARs by EID (must enter exact year)


  • C&I: 1040
  • EDP: 1080
  • ELP: 1060
  • KHE: 1120
  • SPE: 1140

Common job codes

  • Professor: 0010
  • Associate Professor: 0020
  • Assistant Professor: 0030

See more at EVPP: PAR Process - Section One: Position Information.

Start dates

Fall start

For most appointments beginning in the fall semester, use the following:

  • "Offer Start Date" 08 01 YY if faculty member's appointment will begin August 1, or other date as appropriate.
  • Joint hires: Percent time should be proportional to their FTE in each department.
    • Example: A joint hire that is 75% in KHE and 25% in SPE:
      • KHE PAR (primary): Offer start date of 8/1 at 75%
      • SPE PAR (joint): Offer start date of 8/1 at 25%

Spring start

For most appointments beginning in the spring semester, use the following:

  • "Offer Start Date" 01 01 YY if faculty member's appointment will begin January 1, or other date as appropriate.
  • Joint hires: Percent time should be proportional to their FTE in each department.
    • Example: A joint hire that is 75% in KHE and 25% in SPE:
      • KHE PAR (primary): Offer start date of 1/1 at 75%
      • SPE PAR (joint): Offer start date of 1/1 at 25%

For start dates prior to those listed above, see guidance for the appropriate hire type:

Position type

  • For positions to be appointed in only one unit, select "Primary".
  • For joint positions, the primary owning unit should select "Primary", and the secondary/additional unit(s) should select "Joint".  See COE: Hiring Joint Faculty for more information.


The "Stipend" field in DEFINE is a pre-Workday relic that no longer serves any purpose and can be ignored. Formerly, it showed the annual allocation amount for the appointment based on annual academic rate, any supplements, dates, and FTE. Workday has its own payroll calculation algorithm however, and may differ from the Stipend calculation shown in Workday.

Alternate job code and rate

These fields pertain only to hires made with degree contingencies, and become available for editing only if a Contingency Type is indicated in PAR Section 3. See COE: Degrees and Contingencies for more information, including types of contingencies available.

titleSection 2: Funding

Section Two - Funding Commitments

See EVPP: PAR Process - Section Two: Funding Commitments for additional instructions.

All financial commitments included in the offer letter should be represented in the Funding Commitment section of the PAR. This includes standard college offer items, as well as departmental commitments such as GRAs, furniture allowances, etc.


Joint hires: The primary PAR should include all funding commitments. The joint PAR includes only their proportional FTE of annual academic salary, detailed in Section One. If a situation arises that might call for an exception to this, such as a significant financial contribution by a secondary department, please contact for guidance. See COE: PAR - Process, tab "Joint hires" for Hiring Joint Faculty for more information.

Funding commitments


Spring-start faculty: see additional information below this table.

Fall-start faculty

Click here to expand fall-start faculty funding commitments

ItemTypeAmountAccountDate AppliesDate ExpiresRecurring Commitment Commitment SourceComments for PAR

Academic salary


Follow these steps:

1) Annual salary/9 = monthly salary. Example: $100,000 annual/9 months = $11,111.11

2) Using the appropriate summer Job Costing Tool from Workday: Job Costing, calculate the allocation amount for 8/1-8/15 at 40 SWH. Round up to closest dollar.

3) Enter total into PAR.


NDeanSalary 8/1-8/15
Summer salaryOE

Follow these steps:

1) Annual salary/9 = monthly salary. Example: $100,000 annual/9 months = $11,111.11

2) Monthly salary * total number of summer months per offer letter
Example: $11,111.22 * 2 months = $22,222.44 (round up to closest dollar)

3) Enter total into PAR. Example: 22,223


5/16/YYYY (beginning of first summer of appointment)

Example: For appointment year 2024-25, enter 5/16/2025

8/15/YYYY (end of final summer included in offer letter)

Example: If offer letter beginning 2024-25 says "two months within the first three years," enter 8/15/2027


X months' summer salary - use within first Y years (abbreviate as needed)

Example: "2 mos. summer salary - use w/in first 3 yrs"

Relocation allowance lump sumRL$10,00019-2665-01248/19/30NDeanLump sum relocation stipend
Housing trip reimbursementMV$2,000Departmental

prior to start date

Example: For 8/1/2024 start date, use 6/1/2024

Varies, usually prior to start date

Example: For 8/1/2024 start date, use 7/31/2024

NDepartmentUp to $2,000 housing trip reimbursement
($75,000 KHE Exercise Science only)
three years after start date
ComputerCPEnter the word "ACTUAL"19-2638-22218/18/31,
end of first fiscal year of assignment

Spring-start faculty

Click here to expand spring-start faculty funding commitments

ItemTypeAmountAccountDate AppliesDate ExpiresRecurring Commitment Commitment SourceComments for PAR
Summer salary, year 1OE

Follow these steps:

1) Annual salary/9 = monthly salary. Example: $100,000 annual/9 months = $11,111.11

2) Monthly salary * total number of summer months per offer letter
Example: $11,111.22 * 2 months = $22,222.44 (round up to closest dollar)

3) Enter total into PAR. Example: 22,223


5/16/YYYY (beginning of first summer of appointment)

Example: For appointment year 2024-25, enter 5/16/2025

8/15/YYYY (end of final summer included in offer letter)

Example: If offer letter beginning 2024-25 says "two months within the first three years," enter 8/15/2027


X months' summer salary - use within first Y years (abbreviate as needed)

Example: "2 mos. summer salary - use w/in first 3 yrs"

Relocation allowance lump sumRL$10,00019-2665-01241/18/31NDeanLump sum relocation stipend
Housing trip reimbursementMV$2,000Departmental

prior to start date

Example: For 8/1/2024 start date, use 6/1/2024

Varies, usually prior to start date

Example: For 8/1/2024 start date, use 7/31/2024

NDepartmentUp to $2,000 housing trip reimbursement
($75,000 KHE Exercise Science only)
3.5 years after start date
ComputerCPEnter the word "ACTUAL"19-2638-22211/18/31,
end of first fiscal year of assignment

Date approved

Date item was approved by the Dean. For most offer items, this will be the date that the Dean's Office HR Team notified the department that the draft or provisional offer letter was approved by the Dean or Associate Dean. If an item was added to a subsequent draft after the original draft/provisional letter was approved, then use the date the subsequent draft was approved.

Supporting documentation status

Select the appropriate option to match supporting documentation. Certain options may not apply to every type of supporting documentation.

Documentation for superseding PARs will usually be "On File," having been attached to the original PAR.

Dates: August funding source split for fall-start faculty


IMPORTANT: Note that many dates below will change for PARs effective in 2024-25, and will be updated once guidance becomes available.

  • Institution-funded August salary begins 10 business days prior to September 1, and ends August 31. 
    • Example: For August 2023 in the calendar below, August 18th is the date 10 business days prior to September 1. Therefore, Institution-funded August salary dates for AY 2023-24 are August 18-31.
  • College-funded August salary begins August 1, and ends the calendar date immediately prior to start of Institution-funded August salary.
    • Example: For August 2023 in the calendar below, College-funded August salary for AY 2023-24 starts August 1 and ends August 17, because Institution-funded August salary begins August 18.

Calculations for fall-start faculty

Calculating partial month salary

Use the COE-HR August Salary Calculator, or the formulas below.

August 1-17 (end date changes)

1) Count number of workdays (Monday-Friday) in period to be calculated. Example: August 1-17, 2022: number of workdays is 13

2) Count number of workdays (Monday-Friday) in August. Example: August 1-31, 2022: number of workdays is 23

3) Calculate monthly salary: Annual salary/9. Example: $100,000 annual/9 months = $11,111.11

4) (Number of days worked/number of workdays in month) * monthly salary = partial month salary. Example: 13/23 * 11,111.11 = $6,280.19

5) Enter total into PAR, rounded to closest dollar. Example: Enter 6,280 into PAR

August 18-31 (begin date changes; always 10 business days before September 1)

1) Count number of workdays (Monday-Friday) in period to be calculated. Example: August 18-31, 2022: number of workdays is 10

2) Count number of workdays (Monday-Friday) in August. Example: August 1-31, 2022: number of workdays is 23

3) Calculate monthly salary: Annual salary/9. Example: $100,000 annual/9 months = $11,111.11

4) (Number of days worked/number of workdays in month) * monthly salary = partial month salary. Example: 10/23 * 11,111.11 = $4830.92

5) Enter total into PAR, rounded to closest dollar. Example: Enter 4,831 into PAR
  • A = Attached (included in PAR packet or listed in offer letter). Most funding commitments should be in this status.
  • F = Forthcoming
  • I = Incomplete
  • N = Not Applicable
  • Y = On File (rarely used for financial commitments)
title2b: Fall-start calculations
  • Y = On File (rarely used for financial commitments)

titleSection 3: Bio

Section Three - Biographical Information

See EVPP: PAR Process - Section Three: Biographical Information for additional instructions.

Optional fields

Completing the following fields in section 3 is optional:

  • Birth date
  • Birth city
  • State

As of fall 2023, the "Contact Information" section no longer requires a mailing address. An email address is still required.

FICE Codes

"FICE" stands for Federal Interagency Committee on Education, and it is a six-digit identification code used to identify institutions of higher education in the United States. Although the Board of Education has since moved to a new coding system, UT still uses FICE codes.

TIP: When looking up institutions within the PAR beginning with “University of” the search should begin “Univ of...".

For an additional list of FICE (Federal Interagency Committee on Education) codes, see Higher Institutions FICE Codes.

International institutions

In instances where a degree was earned as a foreign institution, a stand-in for a FICE code can be created by Academic Personnel Services. This request can be made via ServiceNow: Faculty Affairs & APS. In the help request, include specific information about the institution in question (official name, past names, location, etc) and a link to the institution’s official website. 

Degrees and contingencies

A contingency on a PAR is made when, at the time of formal offer, a faculty candidate will be in the process of earning a degree that the hiring unit is requiring for the position. See more at COE: Degrees and Contingencies.

If the faculty candidate is still working on the degree the value for the year earned should be “9999," and the highest degree value must be “N.” The highest degree completed should be marked as "Highest Degree Completed." For example, if the PhD is still in progress, but the Master's degree has been earned, degree information screens should read:

  • PhD
    • Year: 9999
    • Highest Degree Completed? N
  • Master's
    • Year: (YYYY of completion)
    • HIghest Degree Completed: Y

If contingency information is entered in Section Three, then additional details will be needed in Section One, fields "Alternate Job Code" and "Alternate Rate". See more information on tab "Section One: Position information" on this Wiki page.

Read more about degree contingencies at COE: Degrees and Contingencies.

Current mailing and email addresses

For mailing address, a home mailing address is preferred.

titleSection 4: Endowments

Section Four - Endowment Information

See EVPP: PAR Process - Section Four: Endowment Information for additional instructions.

Section four is informational only, and pulls endowment information entered in Section 1 (Position Information), if any. No updates should be made to this section.

titleSection 5: PAR list

Section Five - ALL PARs in Fiscal Year

See EVPP: PAR Process - Section Five: All Prior PARs for Fiscal Year for additional instructions.

Section five is informational only, and lists all other PARs that may have been created for the faculty candidate during the given fiscal year. This can be useful as a reference when working with other departments and colleges on a joint or courtesy appointment. No updates should be made to this section.

titleSection 6: Courses

Section Six - Course Load Information

See EVPP: PAR Process - Section Six: Course Load Information for instructions.

Describe first year course load to the best of your ability. If a 1/1 course load is expected the first year, one fall course and one spring course should be included.

Optional fields

Completing the following fields in section 6 is optional:

  • Meets With
  • Nbr Sec
  • Avg Enr
  • Team Teach

If no courses will be taught (professional-track faculty only)

1) Enter the abbreviation of the first semester appointed in field "Sem": FA for fall, SP for spring, or SU for summer (see example below). 

2) Click on the > symbol ("moreable") to the left of the Semester entry field (see below). In the resulting pop-up screen, add comments. Example: "Research position only; no courses will be taught."

    -- ESTIMATE --     
                                                                      Meets  Nbr  Avg  Team 
  Sem Abbr Course  Unique         Title            With   Sec  Enr    Teach
 > SP                              

titleSection 7: Status/documentation

Section Seven - Offer Status and Supporting Documentation

See EVPP: PAR Process - Section Seven: Offer Status and Supporting Documentation for additional instructions.

Workday Job Requisition

  • This will be the eight-digit number of the Job Requisition created in Workday, beginning with "R_". Example: "R_00009999".
  • Confirm that the Job Requisition Details in Workday shows the necessary "Number of Openings" available (usually one). If no openings are available, the "Number of Openings" section will not display.
  • Be sure that the start date on the PAR matches the Recruiting Start and Target Hire dates in the Workday job requisition.

For joint hires, note that a separate job requisition must be created for each supervisory organization into which the faculty member will be hired. See COE: Hiring Joint Faculty for more information.

Job Posting Number

There are five possible value types for Job ID:

a)Posting number: The five or six-digit number of the actual job posting from the UT Faculty Recruitment Web Site, which must match the posting number of the printed posting from that site included in the PAR packet. This is the same number that shows in Interfolio for position listings. (Note that the number displayed in the "Apply Now" URL on public postings will be different.)



UT Faculty Recruitment Web Site


Interfolio position listings

b) Waiver: If the job was approved for a Posting Exemption Request, enter "Waiver" on the Job ID line. In Supporting Documentation, enter "N" for "Job posting" and the word "Waiver" on the comment line. Note that this waiver should be final-approved by APS prior to routing the PAR to the Dean's Office.

c) Extrnl Hire: Refers to recruitment conducted by an external firm. (Spelling of value is correct and due to character limit.)

d) Spousal:  Refers to a partner hire. This is only used for the recipient of a spousal hire agreement, not the principal hire (ie. the faculty member whose acceptance of our offer is contingent upon the hiring of their partner). A spousal hire must also include a waiver form approved by the Provost. If “Spousal” is entered as a value for Job Posting Number, the EID of the principal hire must be entered below it. A look-up is provided by entering a question mark in the field. The name of the principal faculty member will display beneath the EID.

e) N/A: A posting number, waiver or spousal agreement is Not Applicable (N/A) if the faculty assignment is a 0%-time, if it is an adjunct, or for a visiting title.

Joint hires

For joint hires, documentation status should be detailed on the Primary PAR. Any documentation included in the Primary PAR packet should be noted on the Joint PAR as "Attached". See COE: PAR - Process, tab "Joint hires" Hiring Joint Faculty for more information.

Supporting Documentation status

Consult COE: PAR Documentation Checklists to check that all required documentation for the hire type has been accounted for.

Select the appropriate option to match supporting documentation. Certain options may not apply to every type of supporting documentation.

  • A = Attached (included in PAR packet)
  • F = Forthcoming
  • I = Incomplete
  • N = Not Applicable
  • Y = On File (for instance, if a prospective hire has previously worked for UT and already has a Primary Language Determination Form on file)

See EVPP: PAR Process - Supporting Documentation and EVPP: PAR Checklists for more information.

English Proficiency

This should match the information provided on the Attachment A: Primary Language Determination form (to be included in the PAR packet).

titleSection 8: Comments

Section Eight - Prior Approval Comments

See EVPP: PAR Process - Section Eight: PAR Comments for additional instructions.

Enter any special comments that will communicate special circumstances involved with the PAR and help facilitate processing of the electronic document. Superseding documents require specific explanations detailing the reasons for the supersede.

For joint hires, include in comments the doc ID of all associated PARs, for example: "Joint hire with Department Y. Joint PAR doc ID is X0FPXYYYYYY." See COE: Hiring Joint Faculty for more information.

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