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To apply for an SRA Award, submit the following (using Times New Roman font size 12 with no less than one-inch borders). Please submit as a single PDF document:


The proposal should include a title and outline the project rationale and significance, research questions, and a research plan that clearly specifies the methods and methodology, as well as the goals and product of the proposed project. Priority will be given to proposals that outline a clearly defined, well-justified and feasible project that will contribute to the submission of a proposal by the end of fall for external funding or to provide support for a major project also due by the end of fall (e.g., finishing a book). Priority also given to those submitting a book proposal or a grant for the first time and to those submitting to a grant agency/organization to which they have not submitted previously (please make sure to specify this information in your proposal).

The All application materials must be submitted as a single PDF here: no later than October 27, 2023 at 5:00 pm.
