Run the following commands to verify the NuGet provider is installed:
Find-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -Force -ForceBootstrap
Run the following commands to define the name of the PowerShell module and any prerequisite modules:
$Name = 'Microsoft.Graph' $PrerequisiteModuleNames = 'Microsoft.Graph.Authentication'
Run the following commands to define the Azure PowerShell modules respecting the dependency on the Microsoft.Graph.Authentication module:
$Modules, $PrerequisiteModules = (Get-Module -Name "$Name.*").Where({$_.Name -notin $PrerequisiteModuleNames},[System.Management.Automation.WhereOperatorSelectionMode]::Split)
Run the following commands to unload the Azure PowerShell modules respecting the dependency on the Az.Accounts module:
$Modules | ForEach-Object { Remove-Module -Name $_.Name -Force }; $PrerequisiteModules | ForEach-Object { Remove-Module -Name $_.Name -Force }
Run the code blocks in one of the following sections to update or install the latest version of the Azure PowerShell modules from the PSGallery:
To update the modules:
Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name "$Name.*" | ForEach-Object { Update-Module -Name $_.Name }
To install or reinstall the modules:
Save-Module -Path "$env:ProgramFiles\WindowsPowerShell\Modules" -Name $Name -Force