Don’t be afraid to use division meetings and system meetings as time to work. Workdays need not and ought not be the only times people are collaborating.
This early on, most work is truly collaborative
Parallelization happens later on in design process
Michael and Philip met with other Chief E’s and Captains to discuss budget strategy and come to consensus
Reminder: All the budget really decides is the
Key takeaways:
Competition costs would not be included in budget
We should not be making up bullshit “in case something goes wrong” or buying a hundred extras of stuff
The budget is for setting the ratio of CR income to each team, so if we get more combustion gets less etc.
Who will be coming to the budget meeting to advise (in-person or on discord)?
I need justifications to address
Why do we need this
Why is this needed over cheaper options
Why is this needed this year
Why is this amount needed
15 mins
Do not take recruiting lightly
Some of the people applying may have had LHR as a reason why they attended UT Austin in the first place. This process means a lot to some people
How we act in this process reflects on LHR as an org and Solar as a team
System leads: start looking at applications soon. If you leave it for last minute it will be a huge workload
Prioritize time-commitment skills, effort in short-answer responses over technical experience. Don’t disregard technical experience however
Philip is willing to interview for any system if you need a slot filled
Two people interviewing at a time. Try to have both a boy and a girl whenever possible. Especially when interviewing girls, try to have a girl present.
Would appreciate if former system leads could participate in interviews to take load off the new leads
Questions should gauge
Dedication to things they care about
Curiosity about the solar car in particular
If they are a team player
Excitement to be in LHR
Willingness to try to solve problems they don’t know how to
Want list of requirements per system to be filled out by workday
Meaning what requirements do we need to figure out
In three weeks, want requirements to be completely filled out
Meaning quantitatively if possible, with well-reasoned and deliberate calculations/simulations/justifications
Requirements should be SMART goals
S - Specific
No - Unsprung components are strong enough to survive the forces the are under
Yes - Unsprung components must have minimum FOS > 1.2
M - Measurable
No - Have a very aerodynamic vehicle
Yes - Have a coefficient of drag < 0.255
A - Acheivable
No - Have a vehicle weight of 2 lbs
Yes - Have a vehicle weight of 500 lbs
R - Relevant
No - give members greater design autonomy: not part of the purpose of this document
The unsprung system will weigh <50 lbs
T - Time-based
Not as important for this exercise
I suppose we can include deadlines once we set them if we want
This is a living document, and it may be subject to change later further on in design, but ideally it stays as close as possible to how it is when we “finish” it
The better we define our requirements now, the fewer changes we have to make later, and the easier design is
Division meetings, discuss further division level requirements
May be more qualitative, and define requirements for processes
Past Workday Review
Yapped about new system architecture
PeripheralSOM schematic is ready for review and currently working on layout (Lakshay)
Members working on new projects
New Amperes board revision starting (Nathan)
Writting a CAN test for our new chip (Kadhir)
Driver for our new Temperature chip (Aniruddh)
Power Gen
Power Sys
Data Acq
Members research/experimented with CAD
Frame members got exposure to weldments
Ergo members continued researching projects/developments for Pedal Box, Seat, Steering Wheel, etc. etc.