The PowerShellModuleName variable must already be defined or one of the following values must be set:
Install the PowerShell module
Run the following commands to verify the NuGet provider is installed:
Find-PackageProvider -Name 'NuGet' -Force -ForceBootstrap
Run the following commands to trust the PSGallery:
Set-PSRepository -Name 'PSGallery' -InstallationPolicy Trusted
Run the following commands to locate the active PowerShell modules:
$ModuleIsActive = Get-Module -Name $PowerShellModuleName
Run the following commands to locate the installed PowerShell modules
$ModuleIsInstalled = Get-Module -Name $PowerShellModuleName -ListAvailable
Run the following commands to unload the PowerShell modules
If ($ModuleIsActive) { Remove-Module -Name $PowerShellModuleName -Force }
Run the following commands to update or install the latest version of the PowerShell modules from the PSGallery:
If ($ModuleIsInstalled) { Update-Module -Name $PowerShellModuleName } Else { Install-Module -Name $PowerShellModuleName }