This document discusses how to duplicate DVDs from 1 to 5 at a time with the DVD duplication tower.
This requires an unused _DVD-R/RW. _If you need to purchase a DVD-R, RTF equipment checkout in HSM 2.102, 7-11, & the University Coopsell them.
It is illegal to copy DVDs that
1. Front panel should display ‘1. COPY’ before starting. If display is different, use the key panel to arrow up or down until the display is correct.
2. Insert original CD/DVD into top drive bay.
3. Insert blank CD/DVD(s) in any drive bay (up to 5 total) beneath the top one.
4. Close all drive bays.
Note: The unit will start copying automatically once the first blank CD/DVD is loaded. Have all of your blank media ready to load before copying.
- Most commercial DVD’s have copy protection embedded on them and will not be able to be copied in the duplicator. Screen will display “Warning: Can’t DVD (CSS). Press ESC to get back to COPY mode.