Go to the CMA Digital Media Labs located in CMA 4.138, 4.142 or 4.144 to get to the Classmedia Server
On the DOCK of any Moody College Lab Macclick on Shares or | |
Go to class_folders and double click. | |
Click OK | |
Click Connect | |
Put in your EID and Password then click Connect | |
class_folders volume will mount on your desktop | |
Open it and go to >Classmedia>avid_editing_classmedia | |
Look for the project you need to download to your hard drive Ex: Alias | |
Open the folder | |
Projects will either have OMFI MediaFiles or AVID MediaFiles Folders | |
Example Alias has OMFI MediaFiles | |
Example the Parkor project uses AVID MediaFiles | |
On your hard drive make a New Folder and name it OMFI MediaFiles or AVID MediaFiles If you already have a folder named this on your hard drive keep reading we'll explain | |
OMFI MediaFiles example | |
AVID MediaFiles example You will make a New folder name in AVID MediaFiles>Then Make a folder inside that called MXF>Then make a folder inside the MXF folder called 1 | |
IF you ALREADY have an AVID MediaFiles folder on your hard drive make a new folder in the MXF folder and name it a number >Hard Drive> AVID MediaFiles> SEE this Example the new numbered folder will be where we put the AVID MediaFiles | |
ALIAS - OMFI MediaFiles copy the files from the Alias OMFI Folder on the ClassMedia Server to the OMFI MediaFiles folder on your hard drive. See the image for the OMFI - Alias example | |
Parkor - AVID MediaFiles Example AVID MediaFiles copy the files from the Parkor AVID MediaFiles>MXF>5 Folder on the ClassMedia Server to your hard drive and place in your AVID MediaFiles>MXF>numbered folder See the example shown in this frame grab | |
The next step is to copy the project folder over to your hard drive We will use Alias as the example Go back to the >Classmedia>avid_editing_classmedia and find Alias - Look for the Project Folder - the folder that contains the .avb and .avp files is the project folder. COPY THE WHOLE FOLDER OVER TO YOUR HARD DRIVE - DO NOT ONLY COPY THE CONTENTS - COPY THE WHOLE FOLDER | |
The last step is to Rename the project to include your name see this wiki on how to do that | AVID - Renaming an AVID Project |
Last step is to launch MediaComposer and make sure everything in the project is online |