30" / 0.8M End of Night Procedure Summary
Procedure for end-of-night on the 30"
Home the Filter!
Using the IRAF/ICE command interface, edit 'instrp' and command the filter to the 'U' position, save the edit with the ':wq' command, and execute the 'ice' 'intstrument' command to move the filter to the 'U' position.
Stow The Telescope
Using the Talon TCS command Talon->Telescope->Stow (mouse button command), stow the telescope. This button commanded motion will place the telescope at an hour angle of zero (fork arms level, parallel to the dome floor), and the tube South at a declination of -35:00:00.
Close The Mirror Cover
Unless otherwise instructed (i.e. due to inoperable mirror cover), use the Talon software hand-paddle via Talon->Control->Paddle, and select 'Cover' on the paddle mode button. Click the 'Close' button. This should close the mirror cover. On occasion, the Talon cover close command may fail (this generates an error in the Talon message window). In this case, after Talon has been shutdown (later end of night procedure step), the manual mirror cover close button on the telescope mirror box can be used to close the mirror cover. Press the relay green button on the control section labeled 'Close' to manually close the mirror cover, after Talon has been exited.
Close The Dome
Turn off Dome Auto via the Talon enable/disable button if it is enabled - Talon->Roof/Dome->Auto->Disable (button) and respond 'Yes' to the confirmation prompt.
Most reliable: 'Home' the dome from Talon via Talon->Control->Find Homes->Dome from a position east of north, and north of the shutter power contactor (i.e. allow dome to seek CW, east of north to the shutter contact position. Once the dome has homed, use the Talon software hand-paddle via Talon->Control->Paddle->Dome/roof->Close, or use the Roof/Dome close button command from Talon->Roof/Dome->Close.
Less reliable: If Dome Auto was enabled, make sure it is disabled, then use the Talon button command Talon->Roof/Dome->Close to close the dome. The dome may seek the long way around, and sometimes fails to find the home limit position if approaching the shutter contactor from west of south (CCW).
Park The Dome
Once the dome shutters have been closed, use the Talon software hand-paddle to position the dome slit over the East dome entry door, using Talon->Control->Paddle->Roof/Dome->CCW. Press the software hand-paddle arrow key for CCW, and move the dome slit until it is aligned over the dome entry door.
Shutdown Talon (the TCS)
Quit Talon via the button command Talon->Control->Quit, and respond 'Yes' to the confirmation prompt. This will exit the Talon GUI, Xobs cleanly. At the 'talon' host Linux shell prompt, type 'killTel' and press the return key. This will kill the TCS daemon processes, and leave the telescope in a safe, inactive state.
Complete The Night Report
Make sure all fields in red are completed - when filled in, the field name will change from red to black. Check the report for accuracy and completeness. Log any messages to mountain staff in the Message field, note if you filled the dewar and the time you filled it, or if you need to have it filled, make a request to Observing Support. If you returned the PFC filter position to the 'U' (home) position, please note it in the log, otherwise note the actual filter position you left the filter in for the next observer. Log out of IRAF/ICE and log out of the 'titan' workstation, or at a minimum make sure your screensaver is disabled, otherwise mountain staff may have to kill your session for daytime access to the workstation.
Check The Dome Air Conditioner
Make sure the HVAC is turned on to the 'Cool' position - the dome HVAC is controlled by a thermostat on the West dome wall, near the entry pass-through door between the dome and control room. Turn the lever on the thermostat to the 'Cool' position (down). Make sure the control room inner door is closed.
Exit And Secure The Dome
Turn off the red and/or white dome interior lights, and make sure the dome exterior door is closed, latched, and locked.