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General Information 

  1. The team captain and all players are responsible for all information contained in the General Rules Page and in the following page.
  2. Intramural Soccer is governed by NFHS Soccer playing rules and any modifications outlined in this document. 
  3. The 7 v 7 field will be 45 yards by 70 yards.


  1. All players are required to bring a valid photo ID to all Intramural games.
  2. The minimum number to play shall be 6 and the maximum number on the field at one time shall be 7, one of which shall be the goalkeeper.  
  3. If injuries reduce a team to 5 players or less, the game may continue with staff approval. 
  4. A team reduced to 5 players or less via player ejections will automatically forfeit. 
  5. See attached coed modifications for coed player policies. 

Equipment and Uniforms 

  1. Please see the General Information Page for equipment regulations.
  2. The goalkeeper shall wear a jersey that is a different color from all other players.
  3. Players are not required to wear shin guards, though it is highly recommended to do so. 


  1. Games shall consist of two (2) 20-minute halves with a 5-minute halftime. 
  2. There will be no charged timeouts during the game. 
  3. A game shall be considered "official" if after the 10-minute mark of the 2nd half if the game is stopped for inclement weather. 
  4. Regular season games that end in a tie will not play an overtime procedure.  


  1. If game be stopped due to a violation of intramural rules (i.e, fighting, eligibility, sportsmanship) and declared a loss for any team the game will be a forfeit.
  2. Any team forfeiting is automatically ineligible for playoffs. 

No Show 

  1. Teams not ready to play within 10 minutes after the scheduled starting time (not when the preceding game finishes) will receive a no show loss.
  2. Below is a summary of penalties for a team that is late: 
    1. Game Time = opponent receives one (1) penalty kick prior to the game and kickoff at both halves. 
    2. 10 minutes late = loss 1-0 and removed from league 
  3. If neither team is ready to play by the scheduled game time, and it is less than 10 minutes past the scheduled start time, the teams will be permitted to play. The game shall begin and continue for the remainder of the 20-minute first half. 

Starting the game 

  1. A coin toss determines who has the choice of goal or kickoff, and the loser has the remaining choice. 
  2. At kickoff, all players except the kick taker must be in their own half of the field and all defenders must be at least 8 yards from the ball. 
  3. The ball is in play when it is kicked and clearly moves in any direction. 
  4. If the kicker touches the ball again (other than with his/her hands) before it touches another player, an indirect kick is awarded to the opposing team. 


  1. Substitutes for either team may enter the game at any time, during live or dead ball. 
  2. Substitutions take place at the centerline. 
  3. Substitutes may not play the ball until the player they are replacing is completely off the field. 
  4. A substitute becomes a player (and the player becomes a substitute) the moment the substitute enters the field. 
  5. Goalkeeper substitutes must notify a referee when the ball is dead. Goalkeepers may not be substituted for on the fly. 


  1. A ball must pass 100% over the goal line, between the goal posts, and under the crossbar to count as a goal. 
  2. The ball must last touch a player in the offensive half of the field prior to entering the goal to count as a goal. 
  3. A goal may be scored directly from
    1. kick-off
    2. direct free kick
    3. penalty kick
    4. corner kick
  4. A goal may NOT be scored directly from
    1. indirect kick
    2. goal kick
    3. kick-in
    4. dropped ball
    5. opposing goalkeeper’s throw, punt, or drop kick
    6. A team cannot score into its own goal directly from a free kick restart of any type

Ball in and out of Play 

  1. The ball is OUT of play when: 
    1. It completely crosses a goal line (or touchline) on the ground or in the air
    2. Play has been stopped by the referee using the whistle
    3. The ball strikes an outside agent
    4. A goal is scored
  2. The ball is IN play at all other times including:
    1. rebounds from a goal post, cross bar or corner flag
    2. touches an official in the field of play
    3. after a free kick or kick-off; when a dropped ball touches the ground
    4. NOTE: A player may be out of bounds and legally play the ball

Restrictions on the Goalkeeper 

  1. From the moment the goalkeeper takes control of the ball with the hands when playing as a goalkeeper within his/her own penalty area, he/she has six seconds in which to release the ball into play. During that interval, he/she may hold the ball, bounce it, or throw it into the air and catch it. Once the ball has been released into play, the goalkeeper may not touch it again with the hands again until it has been played or touched by another player.  
  2. On any occasion when a player deliberately kicks the ball to his/her own goalkeeper, the goalkeeper is not permitted to touch it with his/her hands.  
  3. A goalkeeper shall not touch the ball with his/her hands when receiving it directly from a throw-in by a teammate. 
  4. NOTE: Players may not use trickery to circumvent items 2 and 3. Example: Players may not flick the ball with their feet to their own head, chest, or knee and then pass it to their own goalkeeper who touches it with the hands. 
  5. Violations of this section by the goalkeeper will be punished by an indirect free kick. 

Goal Kick 

A goal kick is awarded when the whole of the ball passes over the goal line, either on the ground or in the air, having last touched a player of the attacking team, and a goal is not scored. 

Players opposing the kicker shall remain outside the penalty area until the ball moves out of the penalty area. 

The ball shall be kicked from the ground from within the goal area. A goal kick that does not directly leave the penalty area must be retaken. 

After the goal kick leaves the penalty area, any player, except the one who takes the goal kick, may play the ball. The kicker may not play the ball until it has been touched by another player. 

The goalkeeper shall not pick up the ball and play it, nor receive it with the hands directly from the goal kick. 

If the kicker touches the ball again (other than with his/her hands) after it has wholly left the penalty area and before it touches another player, an indirect kick is awarded to the opposing team. 

Corner Kick 

A corner kick is awarded when the whole of the ball passes over the goal line, either on the ground or in the air, having last touched a player of the defending team, and a goal is not scored. 

Defending team players shall be at least 8 yards from the ball until it has been kicked. 

The ball shall be kicked from the ground within the quarter circle (or within one yard of the corner) nearest where the ball left the field of play. It is in play when the ball is kicked and clearly moves. 

If the kicker touches the ball again (other than with his/her hands) before it touches another player, an indirect kick is awarded to the opposing team. 


A kick-in is awarded when the whole of the ball passes over a touchline, either on the ground or in the air. The kick is awarded to the opponent of the team that last touched the ball before it left the field of play. 

The ball shall be placed either on the touchline at the spot it left the field of play, or off the field of play, no greater than one yard from the spot it left the field of play. 

All defenders must be at least 5 yards from the ball until it is kicked. 

If the ball fails to enter the field of play, a kick-in will be awarded to the opposing team at the spot of the original kick-in. 

After the kick-in the ball may be played by any player except the kicker. 

If the kicker touches the ball again (other than with his/her hands) before it touches another player, an indirect kick is awarded to the opposing team. 


There are no offside positions or offside infractions in 7v7 soccer. 

Dropped Ball 

A dropped ball restart occurs when the referee stops play for any reason that does not require any other defined restart, including when play is stopped due to a severe injury or outside interference. 

The referee drops the ball at the position where it was when play was stopped, unless play was stopped within 8 yards of the portion of a goal line between the goalposts, in which case the ball is dropped 8 yards from all parts of this line. 

The ball is in play when it touches the ground. If the ball touches a player before it touches the ground, the ball is dropped again. 

Any number of players can contest a dropped ball. The referee cannot decide who may contest a dropped ball. 

The ball must touch at least two players before a goal can be scored. 

Direct Free Kicks 

All direct free kicks occur at the place where the infringement occurred, except: 

When a direct free kick offense is committed by the defending team inside their own penalty area or on the penalty area line, a penalty kick is awarded. 

When a player commits a direct free kick offense off the field, the direct kick restart occurs on the boundary line nearest to where the offense occurred. This can result in a penalty kick when applicable. 

When a direct free kick offense occurs within 8 yards of the portion of the goal line between the goal posts of the opponent’s goal, the position of the kick must be moved such that it is 8 yards from all parts of this line. 

Infringements that result in direct free kicks include: 

Kicking or attempting to kick an opponent. 

Pushing an opponent. 

Tripping or attempting to trip an opponent. 

Charging an opponent. 

Striking or attempting to strike an opponent. 

Holding an opponent or an opponent’s jersey. 

Spitting at any person. 

Jumping at an opponent. 

Deliberately handling the ball. 

Interfering with active play by a substitute who is not in the process of properly entering the game. 

If a player commits violent conduct inside the field of play against a teammate, substitute, substituted player, match official, staff member, or referee, play is restarted with a direct free kick or penalty kick, and the player must be sent off. 

Opponents must be at least 8 yards from the spot of the kick. 

The ball is in play when it is kicked and clearly moves. 

A goal may be scored directly from a direct free kick against the opposing team only. A direct kick that directly enters the kicking team’s goal will result in a corner kick. 

If the kicker touches the ball again (other than with his/her hands) before it touches another player, an indirect kick is awarded to the opposing team. 

Free kicks taken inside a team’s own penalty area are not in play until the ball has wholly exited the penalty area. 

Indirect Free Kicks 

All indirect free kicks occur at the place where the infringement occurred, except: 

When a player commits an indirect free kick offense off the field, the indirect kick restart occurs on the boundary line nearest to where the offense occurred. 

When an indirect free kick offense occurs within 8 yards of the portion of the goal line between the goal posts of the opponent’s goal, the position of the kick must be moved such that it is 8 yards from all parts of this line. 

An indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team if a goalkeeper, inside his/her own penalty area, commits any of the following offenses: 

Controls the ball with his/her hands for more than 6 seconds before releasing it. 

Touches the ball again with his/her hands after he has released it from his hands and before it has touched another player. 

Touches the ball with his/her hands after receiving it from a deliberate pass from a teammate using the foot. 

Touches the ball with his/her hands after receiving it directly from a kick-in by a teammate. 

An indirect free kick is also awarded to the opposing team if, in the opinion of the referee, any player: 

Plays in a dangerous manner without contact. 

Impedes the progress of an opponent without contact. 

Prevents the goalkeeper from releasing the ball from his/her possession without contact. 

Attempts to kick the ball while it is in the goalkeeper’s possession without contact. 

Commits any other offense, not otherwise mentioned, for which play is stopped to caution or send off a player. 

An indirect free kick is awarded against the offending team if a substitution infraction occurs during play. 

Opponents must be at least 8 yards from the spot of the kick. 

The ball is in play when it is kicked and clearly moves. 

A goal may not be scored directly from an indirect free kick. 

An indirect free kick that directly enters the opposing team’s goal will result in a goal kick. 

An indirect free kick that directly enters the kicking team’s goal will result in a corner kick. 

Free kicks taken inside a team’s own penalty area are not in play until the ball has wholly exited the penalty area. 

If the kicker touches the ball again (other than with his/her hands) before it touches another player, an indirect kick is awarded to the opposition. 

Penalty Kick 

A penalty kick is awarded against a team that commits a direct free kick offense inside its own penalty area or on the penalty area line while the ball is in play. 

A goal may be scored directly from a penalty kick. 

If time expires at the end of a half, game, or extra period during the taking of a penalty kick, time shall be extended to allow for the completion of the penalty kick. 

Penalty kicks occur as follows: 

The ball is placed on the penalty mark. 

The player taking the kick is properly identified to the officials and the defending goalkeeper. 

The goalkeeper must remain on his goal line, facing the kicker, between the goalposts, until the ball is kicked. 

All other players must be located outside the penalty area, behind the penalty spot, and at least 8 yards from the penalty spot. 

The player taking the penalty kick must kick the ball forward. 

The ball is in play when it is kicked and moves forward. 

If the kicker touches the ball again (other than with his hands) before it touches another player, an indirect free kick is awarded to the opposition. 

Penalty kicks taken backwards result in an indirect free kick to the opposition. 

Encroachment or any other infraction by the defending team or by the defending team's goalkeeper is ignored if the goal is scored, but if the penalty shot is missed, the kick is retaken. 

If the kicker or a teammate of the kicker encroaches or commits an infraction during the taking of the penalty kick and a goal is scored, the kick is retaken. If a goal is not scored, an indirect free kick is awarded to the defending team at the spot of the infraction. 

If both teams encroach or commit an infraction during a penalty kick, the kick is retaken. 

Slide tackles 

Slide tackles are legal in Intramural Soccer, in accordance with NFHS. 

Good sportsmanship must be exhibited, and contact must be kept to a minimum. 


A player shall be cautioned (shown a yellow card) as a result of any of the following offenses: 

Exhibiting unsporting behavior or unsportsmanlike conduct, including but not limited to: 

Committing a reckless foul. 

Deliberate pushing, tripping, holding, or other tactical intentional fouls. 

Shirt pulling and other similar tactics. 

Denying an obvious goal-scoring opportunity to an opponent moving toward the goal inside the penalty area, resulting in a penalty kick, when the foul was a genuine attempt to play the ball. 

Deliberately handling the ball in a manner designed to break up an attack. 

Faking, feigning, simulating, or exaggerating an injury or foul. 

Making inappropriate or distracting gestures or noises during a penalty kick. 

Hanging on or pulling on the goal or crossbar to gain an advantage. 

Celebrating a goal excessively, especially including removing the shirt, covering the face with a mask, choreographed and excessive celebrations, or climbing on surrounding property or the goal. 

Dissent by word or action. 

Persistent infringement of the laws of the game. 

Delaying the restart of play. 

Failing to respect the proper distance required on a free kick, corner kick, kick-in, or throw-in. 

Entering or leaving the field when disallowed (including attempting to substitute the goalkeeper during a tiebreaker), interfering with play as a substitute, or deliberately/repeatedly committing a substitution infraction. 

A player shall be sent off and ejected from the game (shown a red card) as a result of any of the following offenses: 

Serious foul play. 

Violent conduct. 

Foul, offensive, insulting, or abusive language and/or gestures. 

Spitting at any person. 

Deliberately handling the ball to deny an obvious goal, except a goalkeeper in his/her own penalty area. 

Denying an obvious goal-scoring opportunity to an opponent moving toward the goal by committing an offense punishable by a free kick, unless the foul occurred in the penalty area, resulting in a penalty kick, and the foul was a genuine attempt to play the ball (holding, pulling, pushing, striking, etc. are never considered genuine attempts to play the ball). 

Deliberately destroying RecSports property. 

Receiving a second caution in one game, or a second caution during one playoff season. 

A player that is cautioned is not required to leave the field of play, but may be substituted during that stoppage if desired. 

A player that is sent off cannot be replaced. Thus, a team is reduced by one field player when a player is sent off. 

If a substitute is sent off, or if any team member is sent off during halftime, before the game, or after the game, the team’s number of players on the field is not reduced. 

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Kicks from the Penalty Mark 

Any players who have participated in the game are eligible for the tiebreak procedure (except any players sent-off). 

The referees and Intramural Staff will determine which goal will be used for the kicks. 

At the Tiebreak Captain’s Meeting, the referee will conduct a coin toss. The winner will choose to kick first or second. 

Following the Tiebreak Captain’s Meeting, each team will have 2 minutes to designate 5 total kickers, in order, which may include the goalkeeper. This information must be provided to the referees and/or Intramural Staff. The listed kick-takers must remain behind the half line, near the center spot, except when participating in a kick. 

Only listed kick-takers, the goalkeeper from each team, match officials, and Intramural Staff are permitted on the field or behind the goal. All others must remain off the field near the spectator or team benches. 

Both teams will take 3 kicks, alternating teams after each kick, in the order provided to the referees or Intramural Staff. If, before both teams have taken 3 kicks, one team has scored more goals than the other could score, even if it were to complete its 3 kicks, no more kicks are taken and the game is over. 

If, after both teams have taken 3 kicks, the scores are level, kicks continue until one team has scored a goal more than the other team after both teams have taken the same number of kicks. This procedure continues if the score remains tied after each team has taken 5 kicks. The kicking order may not be changed unless a player has become injured. 

The goalkeeper in goal at the end of regulation must remain in goal for the entire tiebreak procedure unless he/she becomes injured or is sent off. 

An Intramural Staff member must be present for all tiebreak procedures. 

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Coed teams will consist of 3 males and 3 females, and the goalkeeper may be either gender. All coed teams must have at least one male player, but not more than 3, on the field (not including the goal keeper). 


All goals scored count as 1 point. 


Women may use their hands and arms to protect themselves above the waist and below the neck, provided their arms and hands are "glued" to the body; that is, the arms and hands are merged as closely as possible with the part of the body they are protecting. 

Men may use their hands to protect themselves below the waist provided their hands are next to their body, that is, the hands are placed as closely as possible to the part of the body they are protecting, and the arms and elbows are “glued” to the body. 


The goalkeeper may be either male or female, but cannot be substituted for on the fly. The captain must notify the official at a time when the ball is dead. 

If a penalty kick is awarded, the goalkeeper who was in the goal at the time of the infraction must remain in the goal for the penalty kick. If the goalkeeper is injured as a result of the play, the replacement goalkeeper must be the same gender. 

Kicks from the Penalty Mark 

Teams may choose to start with a male or female kicker, but must then ALTERNATE GENDERS for the remainder of the kicking order. 

The goalkeeper in goal at the end of regulation must remain in goal for the entire tiebreak procedure unless he/she becomes injured or is sent off. Replacement keepers must be same gender. 

An Intramural Staff member must be present for all tiebreak procedures. 

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