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General Information

  1. The team captain and all players are responsible for all information contained in the General Rules Page and in the following page.
  2. Intramural Sports Flag Football is governed by NIRSA playing rules and modifications outlined in this document.


  1. All players are required to bring a valid photo ID to all Intramural games.
  2. All men’s and women’s divisions play 7-on-7 flag football. The minimum required to play is 5.
    1. If injuries reduce a team to 4 players or less, the game may continue with staff approval.
    2. A team reduced to 4 players or less via player ejections will automatically forfeit.

Equipment and Uniforms

  1. Shorts/pants may not have belt loops or pockets.
  2. Teams must supply their own game ball.
    1. Men shall use a regular size ball
    2. Women’s and coed teams may use either a regular or intermediate size ball
  3. Flag belts will be provided to each team on site.
  4. Shirts must be tucked in and flag belts must be worn on the outside of all clothing with the clip in front.
  5. Tied flag belts may result in ejection at the discretion of officials.


  1. The clock will not stop unless there is an officials or injury  timeout
  2. 1st half shall be 20 minutes
  3. Half time will be 5 minutes
  4. 2nd half will be 15 minutes running clock followed by a 10-play series (outlined below)
  5. A game shall be considered "official" if after the 10-minute mark of the 2nd half if the game is stopped for inclement weather.

Ten-Play Series

  1. 10-play series begins immediately following the end of the timed 2nd half with no interruption in play.
  2. The team in possession at the end of regulation will retain possession of the ball and continue under normal rules.
  3. Extra points and downs on which a non-loss of down penalty is accepted are not counted towards the 10-play total.
  4. Punts DO count as a play in the ten-play series.
    1. Exception: A game cannot end with a punt on the tenth play of the 10-play series. If a team punts on the 10th play, the receiving team will be allowed to run one play from scrimmage. Then, barring a penalty or an inadvertent whistle, the game shall be over.

Mercy Rule

A mercy rule goes into effect with a difference of 19 points at any time after the 15-minute mark in the 2nd half.


  1. Each team is allowed one 30-second time-out per half and one 30-second time-out during the 10-play series.
  2. Time-outs do not carry over.
  3. No time-outs shall be called during the final 2 minutes of the 1st half. Any time-out called before the 2-minute warning will end once the warning is sounded.
  4. A time-out may be called at any time during the second half.


  1. Teams not ready to play within 10 minutes after the scheduled starting time (not when the preceding game finishes) will receive a no show loss.
  2. Below is a summary of penalties for a team that is late:
    1. Game Time = present team shall be given the ball, choice of goal, and the choice for the second half.
    2. 3 minutes late = present team’s first drive shall start on the 39-yard line of the offense. 1st down, line to gain is the 40.
    3. 6 minutes late = present team’s first drive shall start on the 20-yard line of the defense.
    4. 9 minutes late = present team is credited with 1 touchdown and a 3-point extra point (9 points).
    5. 10 minutes late = loss 9-0 and removed from league
  3. If neither team is ready to play by the scheduled game time, and it is less than 10 minutes past the scheduled start time, the teams will be permitted to play. The game shall begin and continue for the remainder of the 50-minute time limit.

The Playing Field

  1. Respective lines to gain (1st down) for each team in order are the 20, 40, and 20.
  2. The point of the ball determines if it crosses the line.
  3. Hash marks will divide the width of the field into thirds, 15 yards each.
    1. When the spot of the ball is between the hash mark and sideline, the ball will be put in play on the hash mark creating a wide and short side.
    2. When the spot of the ball is between the hash marks, the ball will be put in play at that exact spot.
  4. The side and end lines are out of bounds. Players, coaches, and fans must stay between the 20-yard lines at all times.
  5. Two ball spotters (small plastic cones) will be used during play. The ORANGE cone marks the offensive scrimmage line, and the YELLOW cone marks the defensive line. The ball spotters will always be one yard apart.

Starting the Game

  1. The referee will conduct a coin toss. The winner will select to defer their option until the second half, to start on offense or defense, or to defend a specific goal.
  2. Each half of the game will begin with the ball placed on the 14-yard line of the offense.


  1. All touchdowns are worth 6 points.
    1. To be ruled a touchdown, the ball must be on or over the goal line.
    2. The player scoring the touchdown must raise his/her arms so the nearest official can de-flag the player.
  2. A try-for-point follows the touchdown. The ball may be played from the 3, 10, or 20-yard line. If the try is successful the points are awarded as follows: 3 yard try, 1 point; 10 yard try, 2 points; 20 yard try, 3 points.
  3. An intercepted pass or fumble during the try results in a dead ball and may not be returned for points.
  4. When a safety is scored (2 points) the ball belongs to the scoring team at their 30-yard line.
  5. After any score, the ball shall be placed in play at the opposing team's 14-yard line, unless moved by penalty.

Red Zones

  1. Red Zones will be tracked and used to break ties during league play.
  2. A Red Zone shall be scored whenever a ball is declared dead and legally in possession of a team on or beyond the opponent's 20-yard line.
  3. Only one Red Zone may be scored per possession by a team.
  4. A live ball penalty bringing the ball back outside the 20-yard line does not count as a Red Zone, as the ball was not legally dead inside the 20-yard line.
  5. If time expires on 4th down for the offensive team when they are behind their own 20-yard line, the defensive team gains possession and shall be awarded a Red Zone even though time has expired.
  6. NOTE: During the playoffs, Red Zones will not be counted to break ties. All tied games will play overtime.

Overtime Procedure - Playoffs Only

  1. There will be only one coin toss. Field captains will alternate choices if additional overtime periods are played.
  2. The winner of the toss shall be given options of offense, defense, or direction.
  3. Both teams will go the same direction in overtime.
  4. Each team gets one time-out.
  5. Each team will be given a series of four (4) downs from the same 10-yard line.
  6. If the first team which is awarded the ball scores, the second team will still have 4 downs to attempt to win the game.
  7. If the defense intercepts the ball, the ball is dead and the possession has ended.
  8. Try for points will still be attempted in the normal manner by any team who scores a touchdown.

Coed Rules

  1. All previously listed rules apply to coed games in addition to those listed below.
  2. The number of players is 8 on 8. The minimum to play is 6.
  3. All touchdowns are worth 6 points.
  4. Substitutions must be male for male or female for female only, unless it will bring the ratio of male and female players to 4 and 4.
  5. Runners
    1. A runner cannot advance the ball through the scrimmage line until a legal forward pass has been completed.
    2. Once the line of scrimmage has been legally crossed, all advancement restrictions are eliminated (i.e., a player may catch a legal forward pass, behind the line, and advance beyond the line and then pitch to a player who is still behind the line and they may advance with no restriction.)
    3. After a change of team possession, any player may advance the ball without restriction, as in an interception or punt return.

Legal Coed Player Combinations

Full Team

7 Person Team

6 Person Team



























How To Play Flag Football

Starting the Play

The offense must snap the ball within 25 seconds after the Referee has blown the whistle to put the ball in play.

The Snap

  1. The snapper shall pass the ball back from its position on the ground with a quick and continuous motion of the hands.
    1. They do not have to pass the ball between the legs.
    2. Both of their feet must be behind the line.
  2. Following the ready whistle, no defensive players may break the plane of the restraining line until the snap.
  3. No offensive player shall make a false start or any action that simulates the start of play.
  4. The player receiving the snap must be at least 2 yards behind the scrimmage line.    

Line of Scrimmage Sets

  1. All players are subject to motion, position, and illegal procedure rules.
  2. The offense must have at least 1 player not in motion on their line of scrimmage at the snap.
  3. The offense must bring all players within 15 yards of the ball after the ready for play whistle and prior to the snap.
  4. One player may be in motion, but not forward motion, at the snap.
  5. Following a huddle or shift, each offensive player must come to a full stop for one second before the snap.


Players may substitute at any time between downs provided they are ready to play.

Zone-Line-to-Gain and New Series

  1. The offensive team has 4 consecutive downs to advance the ball across the next zone line-to-gain.
  2. A new series is awarded:
    1. To the offense if the line-to-gain is reached or a penalty which carries an automatic first down is accepted
    2. To the defense if the offense fails to reach the line-to-gain after four consecutive downs
    3. To either team if a change of possession or a punt occurs during the down


  1. Any player may hand the ball forward or backward at any time.
  2. If the ball is tossed or there is airtime between the ball and the catch, then passing rules will apply.
  3. There are no restrictions on handing the ball during punt returns or following changes in possession.

Passing the Ball

  1. A pass is any exchange of the ball that involves airtime. This can be a forward or backward, overhand pass, underhand pitch, or any other toss or flip of the ball.
  2. All players are eligible to touch or catch a pass. 
  3. Backward passes are unlimited and can be thrown at any time.
    1. Backward passes that hit the ground in play are dead at the spot. Backward passes that go out of bounds belong to the offense unless the ball goes out of bounds behind a goal line, and then the play will result in a touchback or safety.
  4. Only one forward pass may be thrown per scrimmage down, but NOT on kicks, punts, or interceptions.
  5. A pass is considered illegal when:
    1. Either of the passer’s feet are beyond the line when the ball leaves the hand.
    2. The ball is intentionally grounded.
    3. The passer catches their own untouched pass.
    4. There is more than one forward pass during a scrimmage down. 
    5. A forward pass is thrown after a change in team possession.
  6. The pass begins when the ball is released from the passer's hand. The ball is dead if the passer is de-flagged before the release.
  7. The initial direction of a pass determines whether a pass is forward or backward.
  8. One foot must touch the ground in-bounds for a catch to be legal.
  9. If a forward or backward pass is caught simultaneously by opposing players, the ball becomes dead. It is considered a completed pass and belongs to the offensive team.
  10. Interceptions in a team’s own endzone may be advanced out or downed for a touchback.

Momentum rule

When a defensive player intercepts a forward pass, or catches a legal punt between their 5-yard line and the goal line, and their momentum carries them into the end zone where the ball becomes dead, the ball is placed at the spot where possession was gained (i.e. the 3-yard line).

Ending the Play

The ball becomes dead when:

  1. The whistle blows (On inadvertent whistles, the team may replay the down or take the ball at the spot where whistle was blown. If a forward pass is airborne when the whistle is blown, the pass is considered incomplete).
  2. It goes out of bounds.
  3. Any part of the runner's body other than a hand or foot touches the ground. Ball in possession is considered part of the hand.
  4. Any score occurs.
  5. Any punt comes to rest on the ground and no player attempts to secure it, or a muff hits the ground.
  6. A forward or backward pass, fumble, or snap hits the ground (Dead at the spot on backward pass, fumble, and snap).
  7. The flag belt is removed legally (If the belt falls off, one hand touch between shoulders and knees).
  8. If a player or ball from an adjoining field interferes with the result of a play, the official shall stop play and offer the team in possession the option of replaying the down or taking the ball at the spot of interruption.         

Punting the Ball

  1. On fourth down, the Referee will ask the offensive captain if they want to punt.
  2. There are no fake punts.
  3. If the offense wants to change their decision to punt or not, they must call a time-out.
  4. After receiving the snap, the kicker must punt the ball immediately in one continuous motion.
  5. All line of scrimmage set requirements and procedure rules apply to punts as on any other play.
  6. The following scenarios denote K as the Kicking team and R as the Receiving team:
    1. Neither K nor R may advance beyond their respective scrimmage lines until the ball is kicked.
    2. The kicker may not kick the ball to him or herself or any other member of the kicking team. Defensive players may jump and attempt to block the kick.
    3. If a punt touches a player on either team and then hits the ground, it is dead and belongs to R.
    4. If a punt hits an R player and is then caught in the air by R, it can be advanced.
    5. If a punt hits an R player and is caught in the air by K, it belongs to K at that spot. Exception: punts blocked by R and caught in the air by K behind their scrimmage line (first ball spotter-orange) may be advanced by K.
  7. Before being touched, if a punt goes out of bounds or comes to rest inbounds, it belongs to R at that spot.
  8. There are no fair catches. K players may not interfere with R’s ability to catch the ball. If K touches the ball first, then R can take the ball at that spot or the result of the play.
  9. If a punt breaks the plane of R’s goal line, it will automatically be ruled a touchback, and the ball will be placed on the 14-yardline.

Penalty Enforcement 

Flag Football is NOT a CONTACT sport. However, incidental contact will occur and could be severe.


  1. The captain's first choice of any penalty option shall be irrevocable.
  2. Decisions involving penalties shall be made before any charged time-out is granted to either team.

Personal Fouls

Players may not commit any of the following personal fouls:

  1. Punch, strike, strip, steal or attempt to steal the ball from a player in possession.
  2. Trip, clip or hurdle any player.
  3. Contact an opponent who is on the ground, or after the ball is declared dead.
  4. Throw the runner to the ground.
  5. Deliberately drive or run into a defensive player or lower the shoulder.
  6. Commit any unnecessary roughness.
  7. Tackle a runner by grasping or encircling with the hands or arms.
  8. Roughing the Passer (automatic first down) - applies only to the player throwing a legal forward pass behind the offensive line of scrimmage. If a defender contacts the passer in any fashion, whether or not he/she touches the pass, it is roughing the passer. Contacting the ball while in the passer’s hand is roughing the passer.
  9. Aid the runner; grab, push or pull a teammate with the ball.
  10. Stiff-arm an opponent.
  11. Guard flags by blocking them with the hands, ball or otherwise denying the defense the chance to pull the flag.
  12. Use hands or body to block or hold an opponent.
  13. Pulling the flag from an opponent who does not have the ball.
  14. Tying the flag belt in a knot or any other tampering with the flag belt. This will also result in the player being ejected from the game.

Legal and Illegal Offensive Screen Blocking

  1. Offensive players may protect the runner or passer by screening.
  2. The offensive screen block shall take place without contact, and the screener may maintain a position (moving or stationary) between the defensive player and the runner.
  3. The screen blocker shall have his/her arms at their sides or behind their back. Any use of arms, elbows or legs to initiate contact during an offensive player's screen block is illegal. A blocker may use a hand or arm to break a fall or retain balance. Players must remain on their feet before, during, and after screen blocking. No part of the screener's body, except their feet, may be in contact with the ground.
  4. Defensive players must avoid the offensive player's screen block and may not use their arms or hands as a wedge to contact the offensive blocker.
  5. Illegal contact between the blocker/rusher will be called against the player determined to have initiated contact (similar to "block/charge" in basketball).
  6. Offensive screen blocking beyond the line of scrimmage when a forward pass crosses the line is illegal.

Pass Interference

  1. Pass interference is defined as bumping, pushing, or unnecessary contact with an opponent OR restricting a player from access to a pass while on offense or defense.
  2. Players may not wave their hands in the face of an opponent.
  3. Players may not go through opponents to get to a ball in flight.
  4. Whether or not the pass is catchable has no effect on a pass interference call.
  5. Defensive Pass Interference carries a 10-yard penalty in addition to an automatic 1st down for the offense.
  6. Offensive Pass Interference carries a 10-yard penalty in addition to a loss of down.

Types of Fouls

  1. Dead Ball Fouls - Occur during a dead ball either between downs or before the snap
  2. Live Ball Fouls - Occur during a live ball simultaneous with the snap and before the ball becomes dead by rule

Types of Plays

  1. Loose Ball plays are:
    1. Action during a punt
    2. Action during a legal forward pass
    3. Action during the run or runs that precede(s) such legal pass or punt
  2. Running Plays are defined as any play not falling under the loose ball variety.

Enforcement Terms

  1. Previous Spot – Where the ball was last snapped
  2. End of the Run – Where the player loses possession of the ball via fumble or the ball becomes dead in player possession (flag pulled)
  3. Succeeding Spot – Where the ball would next be snapped if a foul had not occurred
  4. Spot of the Foul – Where the foul occurred

Basic Penalty Enforcement                                                            

Running Plays

Spot of Enforcement

Foul by defense

End of run

Foul by offense behind end of run

Spot of foul

Foul by offense beyond of end of run

End of run

Loose Ball Plays

Spot of Enforcement

Fouls by defense

Previous spot

Roughing passer/completion*

End of run

Foul by offense behind line of scrimmage

Spot of foul

Foul by offense beyond line of scrimmage

Previous spot

*Roughing the passer with no completion is enforced from the previous spot

  1. Non-contact penalties result in a 5-yard penalty
  2. Contact penalties result in a 10-yard penalty
  3. Exception: All unsporting conduct are 10-yard penalties


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