Run and review the following reports in preparation for publication and first class day
Updates/review reports one week prior to semester publication:
- Summer – March
- Fall – March
- Spring – October
Updates/review/post reports and FaSET dates three weeks prior to first class day:
TXTBLS – Command: E1 Name: NRCSDATE;* Compare ISDA12 Open and Close dates in table with dates listed on FaSET website
- Fall – August
- Spring – December
- Summer– Early-mid May
NRJGCK Orphaned Crosslisting Sweep-
NRNWCRM- fix discrepant XLs
\\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\6.SIS projects\Batch Scheduling\Syncing Discrepant Relationships.docx Select 'Yes' for updates. Output: NRNWCRMW
NRJGCRSW: Sync Standard statements - \\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\6.SIS projects\Batch Scheduling\Syncing Standard Statements.docx
NRJGCMCF: Conflict Check - Checks file 87 for conflicts and prints a report of conflicting classes and events.
NRNWCMD1/Combined TLs (All Sections-submit via CM) – Incomplete Sections, program codes, room numbers that should be GPCs, closing limits exceeding room caps, closing limits < 50% room caps, AE/CL not set- for GPCs, discrepant grading modes in same-as
*TXTASK, RGJGSCH6, RGNW018A – Closing limits exceeding room caps. (Use allsections)
*TXTASK, RGJGSCH3, RGNWBADT – Check for Bad or impossible meeting times. *TXTASK, *RGJGSCH3
*TXTASK, RGJGSCH4, RGJNHRS – Check for required contact hours vs. scheduled hours. *TXTASK, *RGJGSCH4
*TXTASK, RGJGFINX, NRJG153A - Instructors of meets-with/same-as courses not on NROPHOME table. Job: NRNW0153A. (This is not currently an accurate report. Investigating. Use All Sections.)
NRJGCRJ3 - Report of classes still cross-listed but not in same timeline. Job: NRNWCRJ3
NRJGCRJ4 - Report of classes in same timeline but not cross-listed. Job: NRNWCRJ4
*TXTASK/RGJGSCH3/CSFLSCAN with scan text: '.' (period): Looking for classes that meet off-campus
Prior to first class day only, post to Canvas:
Look in Canvas (for Internal staff only, Sample Module "Semester Year", First Class Day Prep) for what to post.