- Reach out to SAB two weeks before each phase opens (Original, Chair, and CSU opening) for spreadsheet of SAB courses if not already received. Our current contact for this is Tim Myers, with Dan Siefken as a secondary contact. Save spreadsheet with date in file name to appropriate YYS folder on server at: \\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\SAB. As updated spreadsheets arrive, save copies to same location with new date in file name.
- Compare spreadsheet to what's on the course schedule file. Document inconsistencies. After first pass, email inconsistencies to SAB for clarification. Give deadline for responses. Chair Proof is more urgent in nature than Original phase; response deadlines should reflect this.
- Scroll through all production comments during each phase and centrally manage all SAB through one point person so it's standard in format.
- Remind team that SAB is coordinated through one point person, and to please forward any questions.
- To confirm program is approved via SAB, consult the Study Abroad program list:
- Compile list of questions for SAB by beginning of Dean's proof, if time allows, and after each phase closes. It is critical to do this after Chair Proof closes, at minimum. Give no more than one week to respond, with response coming back before opening of next phase.
- Scan notelines as a final step to look at both departmentally and SAB administered SAB classes. Adjust if needed for consistent standards across all sections. See Overall for standards : \\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\8.Documentation\How-to (Instructions)\Overall (working).docx
General-CSU (Post-production)
- As CSUs come in, scheduling staff should touch base with the Registrar Scheduling team point person (not the SAB office) for any SAB-related CSUs for review before processing.
- Any questions that cannot be answered via the SAB spreadsheet information should be sent by the point person to our SAB office contact before processing the CSU. Leave note on CSU that we are waiting for response from SAB.
- If SAB responds that course is not part of SAB program, email department (cc: SAB) and tell them to contact SAB for further info. Do not process the CSU until a resolution is reached in writing.
Non-inventory Notelines ( Study Abroad and Off-Campus Classes)
(in this order- See Overall for standards : \\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\8.Documentation\How-to (Instructions)\Overall (working).docx)
- Title suffix-IOC country code. IOC Country codes can be found at this link- Always verify the code. Must have a corresponding 'Taught' statement consistent with title abbreviation.
- Exclude SAB program name from non-inventory noteline.
- Special information in Headnote-Example: See headnote for GPA requirements.
- Specific to Maymester-Concurrent enrollment requirements: When a student must also be registered for another course within the same semester. Many Maymester programs (but not all Maymester programs) require a one-hour course taught at UT before the student travels abroad. This requires concurrent enrollment in the one-hour section and the Maymester travel section. When a one-hour section is included as part of a Maymester program per the SAB website, we include a 'Concurrent enrollment' statement in the non-inventory notelines of both sections. Example: Concurrent enrollment required in COM 119.
- Specific to Maymester - MUST have word 'Maymester' in the NONI restrictive statement:
Restricted to students in the Maymester Abroad Program; contact Study Abroad for permission to register for this class.
OR if departmentally administered:
Select Standard Statement #13: Restricted enrollment; contact the department for permission to register for this class.
AND type NONI Restrictive noteline:
Restricted to students in the Maymester Abroad Program.
- Class meets {actual dates} IF different from acad cal. (NOTE: Initial SAB dates are generic and provided by SAB office. Apply to all Maymester/SAB sections if no dates reported and move on. Depts can update them by end of CP.)
- Taught in City, Country. OR Taught at {full official institution name}, City {or Region}, {State or} Country. (For Faculty-Led: Faculty-led Abroad Program taught in {location}.
- Conducted in Spanish.
- MUST have travel dates statement:Students must consult with Study Abroad Program Coordinator (or department; depends on who is administering) as travel and orientation dates may be in addition to these dates.
- Put it all together, it could look like this (made up example, key words in red):
See headnote for GPA requirements. Concurrent enrollment required in COM 119. Restricted to students in the Maymester Abroad Program; contact Study Abroad for permission to register for this class. Class meets May 8-30. Taught in Beijing, China. Conducted in Mandarin. Students must consult with Study Abroad Program Coordinator as travel and orientation dates may be in addition to these dates.
Other (Faculty-led; Exchange; administered by SAB or Dept)
- Use Order/statements listed above, without Maymester keyword(s).
- Irregular program: EXACT program name in restrictive statement, no Faculty-Led verbiage required. (use *ADCODE). Example: Restricted to students in the Executive MBA Program in Mexico City.
- Faculty-led keyword needs to be included in 'taught' statement for Faculty-led classes: Faculty-led Abroad Program taught in Paris, France.
- 'Semester Plus' programs: No Class meets dates should be published for these programs (ex: UT in Paris, Sydney, Seoul, Madrid). These classes are taught in sets of 3 and the 1st typically begins and ends prior to the semester for which it is scheduled. We do not publish these dates and per VSS/IO, SAB must have students sign a MOU regarding do-overs, etc.
- Consult SAB spreadsheet/ portal for semester plus courses
- MUST EXCLUDE class meets dates in Summer and instead state: Class meets dates arranged by Study Abroad Office.