In this section, I wanted to conduct kinematic analysis to find position, velocity, and acceleration for key components of the 6-bar mechanism. To begin, I split the 6 bar-mechanism into two vector loops. The figure below shows the figure split into different sized lengths and distinguished by color.
Figure _. Annotated Drawing of 6 Bar Mechanism
The first loop consists of A-C-D-A and the second loop is B-E-C-A-B. Creating vector loops helped to break down the analysis into small chunks that were easier to solve. If we take the first loop as example, the first thing I did was write the vector summation equation, as shown below:
where Va is BLUE, Vb is GREEN and Vc is the vector from A to B.
After using Euler's equation and splitting the equation into real and imaginary components, we get the following result:
Since θC = 0, that simplifies two terms in both real and imaginary equations. Finally, we can solve both of the equations and we get: