Words or phrases that are repeated verbatim will be coded with [/] following the first instance of the word or phrase as follows
- For single repeated words:
*PAR: we went shopping in [/] in Venice.
*PAR: she wasn't real happy with [/] uh with him.
*PAR: several people saw [/] saw [/] um uh saw her there.
For phrases, enclose the words that are repeated in carrots < >, and with a space before the []
*PAR: <we went> [/] we went over the bridge.
*PAR: I think <they found> [/] um they found water there.
As shown above, if a filler is interjected between the repeated words or phrases, place it after the repetition marker [/]. But do not code repeated fillers on their own as repetitions.added today to clarify, do NOT transcribe it like this:
PAR: ah [/] ah [/] ah [/] el home llegeix un llibre.
It should be transcribed like this:
*PAR: ah, ah, ah, el home llegeix un llibre.
- For single repeated words:
- (Decision 14.Nov.2023) - when there are fragments on their own, they should NOT be coded as repetitions.
- Examples:
- I saw a &+ki &+ki kite.
- la mujer está &+posi &+po &+posi &+posan ah &+po poniendo los libros en la mesa.Added on Nov. 14, 2023
*PAR: i ell està llegint [/] &+lle llegint [/] llegint [/] un bueno <està llegint> [/] està llegint.
- Examples:
- (Decision 14.Nov.2023) - when there are fragments on their own, they should NOT be coded as repetitions.
- Exception: when the part-word is embedded in a repeated utterance, we use the carrots and code the repetition/revision: Examples:
*PAR: el hombre le dió <una &+botelli> [/] una botellita de agua.
*PAR: la mujer les está dando <una &+botelli> [//] una capita [: copita] de [/] de vino.
*PAR: està‚ mm, bueno, la noia està amb <una &+boti> [/] <amb una &+bot> [/] <amb una &+bos> [/] amb una botella que obre no se si és aigua o lo que sigui.
- When fragment is part of the word that was the final product, then code as a repetition. For example:
<hay una &+ni> [/] hay una niña que está jugando con la arena.
- However, if the fragment is different from the final word, you would code it as a revision. For examle:
<hay una &+casti> [//] hay una niña que está jugando con la arena.
- When there is a paraphasia and a revision, the paraphasia should be coded within the carrots. For example:
La señora habla con <su mallor [: marido]> [//] su maridoAdded on Nov. 17, 2023
- Decision clarification: not revision refering to code, but to comment after revising transcriptionsadded on November 14, 2023. The general principle is to preserve the most complete utterance. Therefore, if there is a repetition/revision at the end of the utterance, but there is another utterance that provided the most meaning, you must place the code at the end of the utterance.
- For example:
En el dibujo veo a unas [/] unas personas unas [/].
En el dibujo veo a unas personas que corren <unas &+per que> [//].Added on Nov. 14, 2023decided 14.nov.2023 - still to cross check with ARTlab
- For example:
- Decision clarification: not revision refering to code, but to comment after revising transcriptionsadded on November 14, 2023. The general principle is to preserve the most complete utterance. Therefore, if there is a repetition/revision at the end of the utterance, but there is another utterance that provided the most meaning, you must place the code at the end of the utterance.