Hall Resources
615 seats plus space for 12 wheelchair / companion seats
Approximately 3 ADA areas
Stage is approx. 60’x 36’
Two Steinway D 9ft concert grand pianos
Tracker organ
Backstage area with video monitor
1 dressing room
Audio recording and multi-camera video
3 wireless microphones available during staffed events
6 optional acoustical shells
120 chairs (approx.)
60 stands (approx.)
Acoustical Shells
Some performances in Bates benefit from an acoustical shell. Shell preferences for student recitals are determined by the preferences of the faculty supervisor for the recital in question. If a student recital is in Bates and the student wishes to deviate from their faculty supervisor's selection, it will be the responsibility of the student to contact the production manager (tweller@utexas.edu) with their request no later than 15 days prior to the date of their first dress rehearsal. No exceptions will be made for late requests.
For safety reasons, the acoustical shells may not be moved by anyone except trained staff. If you have an issue or question about placement of the shells, contact the production manager (tweller@utexas.edu). During a staffed concert, your stage manager will be able to adjust the shells for you.
Bates is an extremely busy hall with many reservations per day. Staff will attempt to outfit the hall for dress rehearsals with a setup similar to the performance. Due to scheduling constraints, this will not always be possible. For example, sometimes a dress rehearsal will be on a clear stage for a concert for which the acoustical shells will be set up.
Wireless Microphones
Any staffed event will have access to up to three wireless microphones. While these are excellent for speaking to audiences, they may not be ideal for sound support. Sound support requests should be sent to recording services (astoltz@austin.utexas.edu) at least one month prior to the recital date to determine availability of that service.
Generally speaking, wireless microphones are not provided for dress rehearsals. If this is critical to your rehearsal, contact the production manager (tweller@utexas.edu) with your request at least 5 business days in advance of the rehearsal.
Scheduling and Hall Access
In order to use the hall, you must have a reservation. It is crucial that the schedule in Bates be strictly adhered to. Please double check your in-time and out-time in ArtsVision for every reservation you have in the hall. If you are confused about your reservation time, please contact the scheduling office. Early setups or staying late must be cleared with the scheduling office or the production manager.
If you have an ArtsVision reservation in Bates the backstage door will be left unlocked for you. If you arrive to find the hall is locked, please check with the Music Service Center (MSC) first. If the MSC is closed, please contact the following staff members (in this order):
Russell Podgorsek (512-471-2725)
Travis Weller (tweller@austin.utexas.edu)
Page Stephens (512-232-6290)
Chairs and Stands
If you remove chairs or stands from Bates Recital Hall, please return them to backstage when you are done with them. Your colleagues who are using the hall will thank you!