Utilizing this Confluence Wiki

What is Confluence? 

Just a simple WSYWIG application for creating our own internal wiki page. Has useful features such as: 

  • Search/Tagging
  • File Hosting 
  • Macros/Plugins (Latex, Excel sheets, etc..)
  • Blog posting

How can it help us? 

  • Information retention (no more pestering Mark after he leaves...)
  • A way to keep track of the things we learn 
  • A way to share the tools we build
  • A way to share tips on a better way to do things
  • A way to share how to fix a common issue

Logging in 

How can we write pages more useful than just reading the docs? 

In general, the more specific the topic the better. Write it like you would want to use it. You don't want to slog through the entire OceanMesh2D documentation to learn how to extract tidal data for a mesh, so don't write a summary of the OceanMesh2D documentation that already exists. 

Blog posts can act as our "stackexchange". Even if you already have the fix, it's useful to post the answer in case you need it later or if somebody else has the same issues. A particularly difficult or common problem should be placed into a how-to-fix-this type of article. Be sure to include as much information about what system you are on, your environment, but also what you were trying to do. 

For the hey-this-exists type of article, a person will be coming here with knowledge only of what situation they are in and what they want improved. So, a bad title would be: 

ADCIRC Hotstarting

A better title would be: 

Faster queue times with ADCIRC hotstarting

It's also helpful to provide sources, if you can, for your article in case some extra information is needed.