2020 Old stuff

 Info for the instructors

meet 8 am Monday – students will start ariving ~8:30.

room key – should be automatically opened at 7:30 am

name tags – Rayna will provide; pick up from her Friday at Big Data

sign in sheet & sign to room – Amelia

visit room to check out video hookups, lab computers – Friday 12:45 - 1pm

  • last year all the classroom computers used credentials userid: student password: hookem
  • check whether this is still true or if UT EIDs are required

print cheat sheets – Amelia

obtain stampede allocation info from Hans – Anna

add attendees credentials to stampede login8 – Anna

course artifacts – /corral-repl/utexas/BioITeam/core_ngs_tools – make subdirctories & chmod 777 everything

web URL: http://web.corral.tacc.utexas.edu/BioITeam, corresponds to /corral-repl/utexas/BioITeam/web

Misc Day 1: Linux/TACC Introduction

Misc Day 2: Raw Sequencing data manipulation

  • Example of NGS analyses
  • The FASTA sequencing data format
  • Batch manipulation of FASTQ files

Old Etherpad link:  https://etherpad.mozilla.org/g2NxIEAFWL