Advising and Registration


Always check your Registration Information Sheet prior to registration to identify any holds that might prevent you from registering and to see your individual registration access times. You will need both the Course Name (Ex: ELP 395H, History of Higher Education) and the Unique Number (5 digits) to register for classes.

Office of the Registrar Quick Links

Departmental Registration

For questions related to ELP registration, please contact the Graduate Coordinator. They can assist students in registering for departmental classes only. If you have difficulty registering for an out of department elective, please contact that department’s administration.


Check the Office of the Registrar’s Advising page for information on requirements.

To clear an advising hold, complete the Advising Hold Removal Form, or have your advisor send an email to the Graduate Coordinator stating you have been advised. Include your EID and the appropriate semester in this email.  Graduate students must be advised by their faculty advisor before registering for courses.


The Office of the Registrar ( coordinates the course registration process for all students at The University. Each semester, current students register for classes for the next semester. New incoming students register for classes in the few days before classes start.

Before Registering

  • Review the Course Schedule. The course schedule is published online before advising and registration begin for each semester and lists each class, time, location, instructor (if available), and its unique number. The unique number is the five- digit code that students will enter in the registration system to be added to one particular course. Students will also see the headnote information about the class including prerequisites, restrictions, and additional descriptions:

    • Get advised. Meet with your faculty advisor to discuss planned courses. Once the faculty advisor approves the student’s schedule, the faculty advisor will submit notice to the graduate coordinator for removal of the advising hold.

    • If you are taking an "Independent Study" or "Placeholder" course, please be sure to fill out the Instructor Consent form. Once completed, the Graduate Coordinator will let you know when you are able to register for that course. 

    • Check the Registration Information Sheet – this website displays registration access times for the student.


  • Online Registration: Each semester, students register for classes for the next semester. Registration is only available online through the Registrar’s website during the student’s individual access period.

    • To add a class, enter the unique number next to “Add”, and click the update button. This will add the course to the student’s schedule at the bottom of the page. Registration is complete when the student pays the tuition bill.

    • Cognate (Out-of-Department) Courses. Students must check the department headnote in the course schedule to determine if the class is limited to students only within the program. If a student chooses to take a restricted out-of-department class, they will need to seek approval from the faculty member teaching the course as well as the graduate coordinator of that department for permission to register.

    • Optional Fees. During registration, students are able to select optional items for purchase such as parking permits, Cactus yearbook, The Big Ticket, Speaker Series Pass, Analecta (literary/arts journal), Department of Theatre and Dance tickets, and Performing Arts Center tickets.

After Registration

  • Paying your Tuition Bill: Students complete registration once they have paid their tuition and fee bill. Students have the option to pay in full or in installments during the fall or spring semester, and only pay in full in summer. Students who do not pay tuition on time will be dropped from their classes and will need to register late for classes. 

    • Changing your Schedule: Students may add or drop classes if they have registered and paid for courses in a previous registration period. Add/Drop period lasts during the days before classes begin as well as the first few days of the semester. To view the add/drop period, visit your Registration Information Sheet online (RIS).

    • Make sure to confirm your attendance, in order to avoid being dropped from classes.

Note- Master's students

  • The Graduate School’s policy is that any courses taken at the undergraduate level to count in a Master’s program must be upper-division.

    • The lower-division delineation is the last two numbers in the course number, IE: 301 is 3 hours and the 01 determines the level. 01-19 is lower-division and 20-79 is upper-division.


Adding and Dropping Courses

  • Add/Drop may be done online at the beginning of each semester Check the Registrar’s academic calendar for deadlines.

  • To make changes after online registration has closed, you will need to contact the department offering the course. Payment for added classes must be received by the 12th class day deadline or classes will be cancelled.

Changing Grade Status

  • Students may change the grade status of their courses from a letter grade to credit/no credit on-line during add/drop period. Check the Registrar’s academic calendar for deadlines.

  • To change your grade status outside of the online registration period, you must go through the departmental office and fill out a Departmental Add/Drop Form. Please email the Graduate Coordinator for  the Add/Drop Form via DocuSign. 

Special Cases: Individual Instruction and Restricted Courses

Individual Instruction: Courses with no organized meeting time are designated Individual Instruction. This includes Directed Research, Independent Study, and Internship as well as Dissertation hours. These are all restricted by the department. To register for any of these courses, with the exception of dissertation hours, an Instructor Consent Form must be completed, signed by your instructor. You are responsible for registering for this course on your own. If you run into any issues, please reach out to the Graduate Coordinator.