BPS Amperes PCB


In progress


@Nathan Lemma


@Nathan Lemma


@Lakshay Gupta

Due date

Nov 30, 2024

On this page


 Problem statement

BPS is tasked with securing the safety and monitoring of the battery, such as current monitoring. Over-current of the battery can damage internal components and pose a risk to the driver.

 Research insights

There are 2 ways to measure current, either using a shunt resistor connected to the load or using a hall-effect sensor. They have their own pros and cons but they solve the same problem.

 Solution hypothesis

The solution is successful if we are able to track current reliably and transmit that data to the leaderboard.

 Design options

There are only 2 ways to measure current. Either measure the voltage across a resistor in series with the load or we can measure the magnetic field of the wire.


Option 1 - Voltage Across a Resistor

Option 2 - Magnetic Field of Wire


Option 1 - Voltage Across a Resistor

Option 2 - Magnetic Field of Wire


Current Sense Amplifier or Isolated Modulators/ADC

Hall-Effect Current Sensing



Pros and cons


Simplicity and cost

Affected by electric noise


  1. Option 1 - Making the PCB though a shunt resistor

In the future, members can look into the second option for a hall-effect version


Figure 1 is a common method to measure current using a shunt-resistor. There are 3 steps to read the current:

  1. The differential voltage is fed into the Current Sense Amplifier and converted to a single-ended signal.

  2. This single-ended signal is connected to an ADC, digitizing the signal.

  3. The signal is sent to a microcontroller for processing.

High Side vs Low Side

For reading the current, there are 2 different configurations you can have your device hooked up to.

Figure 2 shows an example of the current sense amplifier connected to the shunt resistor in a high-side sending configuration.


Current Sense Amplifier

Isolated Modulator


Current Sense Amplifier

Isolated Modulator





Bigger shunt resistor allows for more accuracy

Power Dissipation

Smaller shunt resistor consumes less power


 Follow up




Next steps




Next steps


Decision 1


Create the components for the prospective design







Current Sense Amplifier: Amplifies the small voltage drop across a shunt resistor to measure current accurately in circuits.

Isolated Modulator: Converts analog signals to digital while maintaining electrical isolation, often used in high-voltage or noisy environments.

Hall-Effect Sensor: Detects magnetic fields to measure position, speed, or current without direct electrical contact.

Zero-drift: the phenomenon where a sensor's output signal shifts away from its baseline (or zero) value when there is no actual current flowing through the sensor; affects Hall-Effect Sensor

 Resource files

How to Sense Current

Hall-Effect White Paper

Shunt vs Hall-Effect

Isolated Amplifiers vs Isolated Modulators