2024-2026 Old Generation Blackbody A Notes

source: from Krish’s Google Docs Notes (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AKAFnUu08liszx0j5FHcDK-mRjdRVoMeqncLYDk3Xj0/edit?usp=sharing )


Left to Do: CAN, 

Temperature and Irradiance sensor calibration



  • CAN sends from Nucleo fine to CAN transceiver, but the transceiver doesn't seem to send a signal out


  • The current code uses old calibration numbers I found, so if time permits we may want to recalibrate if the extra accuracy is necessary


  • Previous code implementation with the event queue seemed to have some issues with the RTD measuring not being threadsafe. For now, it is manually being delayed to the correct frequency, but making it threadsafe in the future would make the code a lot cleaner and the frequencies more reliable.

    • Additionally, the current manual delays seem to be slightly off because they don’t consider the runtime of the actual code. If the threadsafe code can’t be done, then some trial and error to figure out runtime and subtract it from the delay would be good. The delays can be tested by seeing if the heartbeat LED is flashing at 1 Hz (right now its noticeably slower)


  • Using RTD4 will not allow the use of printf, so when debugging, comment out anything related to RTD4


  • RTD5 and 7 will not allow the irradiance sensor to measure unless jumper 16 (I think) on the Nucleo is desoldered. The last time I tested Black Body A, the Nucleo without jumper 16 was still on the PCB. It would also be a good idea to have a backup Nucleo without jumper 16 if time permits.


  • There are a lot of #includes for Bit Bang related files. Everything should be on this GitHub Repo: Power Gen Blackbody A. If anything is missing, please let me know.


If there are any further questions, feel free to contact me on Slack or via email (krishparikh@utexas.edu). I might be traveling, but I will try my best to get back the same day.