Display Hardware Rationale

  • Graphics driving hardware:

    • Choice: Using a raspberry pi zero is the best graphics driving hardware because it has an inbuilt hdmi which is really nice since it’s plug and play.

Graphics Option



Graphics Option



Raspberry Pi 0


  • its another hardware component (adds complexity to design)

  • does not have a full size USB port or an ethernet port

Raspberry Pi 4/5



  • slightly higher power usage (15W)

  • has full size gigabit ethernet port

  • cheap ($50)

  • program using tried and tested libraries in python/C/C++

  • its another hardware component (adds complexity to design)

  • larger and taller

  • has more than we need in terms of IO

In-display MCU

(i.e. Nextion setup)

  • reduced power overhead

  • already included in display with an additional software package

  • free?

  • hard to work with

  • not the best software

  • inflexible

  • Panel type:

    • Choice: IPS is the best panel choice because it has wide viewing angles, maintains good brightness, and has nice colors.

Panel Option



Panel Option



IPS type panel

  • ~ $50-150


  • Wide viewing angle (options available)

  • Good brightness (600+ nit options available)

  • Color

  • Power consumption

    • ~ 2-10W for <10”

    • ~ 10-20W for 10-15”

  • Bad clarity in direct sunlight but may work with an anti-glare coating

OLED type panel

  • ~ $200+

  • Wide viewing angle (options avilable)

  • Really good color

  • Usually thinner/lighter than IPS displays

  • Fast response time

  • Lot more expensive

  • Risk of image burn in over time

  • Lower brightness than IPS/LCD

  • Power consumption

    • ~ 3-15W for <10”

    • ~ 15-30W for 10-15”

TN type panel

  • ~ $30-100


  • Cheap

  • Fast response time

  • Power consumption

    • ~ 2-8W for <10”

    • ~ 8-15W for 10-15”

  • Color is not vivid

  • Bad viewing angle (discoloration)

  • Less contrast (important in daytime)

  • Interface:

    • Choice: HDMI because it’s much easier to use than UART and fast enough.

Interface Option



Interface Option




  • Easier to wire

  • Use with raspberry pi (better graphics and GUI programming)

  • Plug and play

  • Supports higher resolutions (>720p)

  • Can have only as many displays as HDMI ports on raspberry pi

  • Need to ensure HDMI cables are secured to the devices

  • Signal quality degrades but only over distances >15ft

  • Higher power consumption


  • Many programmable displays exist that take commands over UART

  • 2022-24 solar car used a UART display (experience with a similar setup is nice)

  • Low power

  • Not intended for video; better for data transmission

  • Not suitable for higher resolutions


  • Many programmable displays exist that take commands over SPI

  • High speed transmission

  • Supports multiple devices over same bus with selector bits

  • Not suitable for video; better for data transmission

  • Not suitable for longer distances (3ft under good conditions and less with noise)

  • More wires/connectors needed

  • Size & Config:

    • Choice: iPad size display is probably the best since TODO

Config Option



Config Option



Long display

  • 1280x400px size ()

  • better for wiring if we have only 1 display unit

  • HDMI connection with raspberry pi

  • may be weird with R Pi display drivers (since its a non standard resolution)

  • may not have room for multiple cam feeds

iPad size display (7+”)

  • better for wiring if we have only 1 display unit

  • HDMI connection with raspberry pi

  • more room for things to arrange content

  • can make graphics bigger (easier for driver visibility)

  • room for multiple cam feeds

  • may not have space on dash

  • may be overkill if we don't have multiple cam feeds

  • consumes more power (~1-2W more than other configs)

Multiple smaller displays

  • can directly display a single camera feed per display if we’re doing that (multiple cam feeds total)

  • can be more flexible if we want to change the layout

  • requires a raspberry pi per display (more parts) to decode and display the video (also because each r pi has only 1 HDMI port)

  • more wiring to be done

  • may consume more power

  • more failure points


  • Still need to decide:

    • Do we want long form factor display or a large form factor display?