Course Software - Info For Student Computers
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As a McCombs student you are required to have a notebook computer. Much of the software used in McCombs Business School courses is available for you to install on your own computer. The vast majority of this software is available to you for free from the software publisher or free to current students through some academic program. A handful of applications require you to purchase them, but they are still available at greatly reduced prices as long as you are a current student.
The applications listed below are the ones available to you to install on your own computer. Click the name of an application to go to that application's profile page. The profile page for each application explains where you can download the software or where you must purchase the software in few also lists where else the application is available for you to use without installing on your own computers.
If help pages exist to explain how to install or use the software, those will also be listed. If contains training videos related to the software, then that will be listed as well. is a professional online training company and university partner that provides business and software training for all current faculty, staff and students. For more information about please visit Lynda at McCombs.
A note about Mac Users and Virtual Machines
If you are a Mac user, you can still install Windows only software onto your computer if you run Windows as a virtual machine. McCombs Computer Services distributes ready made Windows VMs to students that run inside an application called VirtualBox. For more information about obtaining these VMs please visit the Installing OVA files with VirtualBox on a Mac wiki page.