Signature Authority


Department heads, project directors, and other administrative officials designated as unit heads have fiscal responsibility and accountability for the accounts under their control. To provide for the efficient operation of colleges, schools, and units, signature authority may be delegated by unit heads to other employees.

The delegation of signature authority does not relieve administrative officials of their fiscal responsibility and accountability for accounts under their control. Accordingly, careful consideration must be given to the selection of capable and reliable employees when delegating signature authority.

Manual Signature Authority

Manual signature authority gives delegated individuals the authority to sign manual (paper) forms related to specified accounts. Department heads, project directors, and other administrative officers designated as unit heads, have automatic manual signature authority for the accounts within their units and can delegate manual signature authority for their accounts.

Electronic Signature Authority

A department head may designate an electronic office manager in Electronic Office Management to administer accounts for electronic document processing. The electronic office manager is authorized to delegate electronic signature authority for electronic document processing. Electronic approval is considered the equivalent of a hand-written signature.

Signature Desk