107" Mount Model Generation

Procedure for generating a mount model on the 107"/2.7M telescope - sourced from colossus:/prod/src/tcsmnt/mntc/README

           Mount Model Software and procedures
                A. Cochran     27 July 2007

Software in /prod/src/tcsmnt/mntc

The compile is dependent on certain libraries and routines.  The make file
is now correct for Linux RHEL4.

Needs SLALIB - currently using a version found on colossus which was a 2005
version.  The makefile on colossus is NOT able to be used to compile since
it does not know about linux.  The provenance of the 2005 version is unknown
but it seems to work.  Not obvious if SLALIB still available.

routines Xpo and Xgr called for in makefile were originally listed as being
in utilib.  The were in GW.  The makefile was fixed to correct for that.

The libraries for linux are completely different

LIBSP= ../../slalib/libsla.a -lm /usr/lib/libXm.a /usr/lib/libXt_s.a \
              /usr/lib/libX11_s.a -lm -lbsd
XGRAPH_LIB=     ../../utilib/Xgr.o ../../utilib/Xpo.o

LIBSP= ../../slalib/libsla.a -lm /usr/X11R6/lib/libXm.a /usr/X11R6/lib/libXt.a \
                /usr/X11R6/lib/libX11.a /usr/X11R6/lib/libSM.a  \
                /usr/X11R6/lib/libICE.a /usr/X11R6/lib/libXp.a \
                /usr/X11R6/lib/libXext.a /usr/X11R6/lib/libXaw.a \
                /usr/X11R6/lib/libXaw.a /usr/X11R6/lib/libXmu.a  -lm -lbsd
XGRAPH_LIB=     ../../GW/Xgr.o ../../GW/Xpo.o

make mntfitc
make mntgra

To run

Collect data - use tool on "special" menu of TCS
Will place data in /data/star/mntm_s*.data (unique filenames for date).

Run /prod/src/tcsmnt/mntc/mntfitc
It will prompt for data file above
It will ask which parameters to fit.  Enter -16  {NOTE SIGN}
It will throw out bad stars, etc.  You may refit and switch parameters (can
cycle through list choosing each parameter).

When complete, will have several files.  Run 
     /prod/src/tcsmnt/mntc/mntgra mntm_*.data.out.
This will produce the graphs (it will pile a stack of graphs on top of one
another in the corner of the screen probably).

Other files:
mntm_*.data.recap - data, fit and coefficients
mntm_*.data.coef  - coefficient file  
mntm-*.data.zero  - zeroes file  [starts as 0]

The file /data/lib/tcs_files contains the names of the production mount model
files, by focus.  Replace the names in the file with new versions.
You must also copy the coef file and the zero file to /data/lib.  You might
want to copy the zero file for the existing mount model to the new zero file
name in the /data/lib directory so that you retain those zeroes.

Typical overall fit rms should be around 6 arcsec.

Added by CG, 03182014:

This is the output from a 'mntfitc' session:


122 % observer@colossus mntc> ./mntfitc 
MNT_FIT 'c' Version 1.3 12/19/2000
Enter data file name: /data/star/mntm_s2708y2007d221t0524.data

Solve for which parameters?
     Up to n (-n)
     Certain parameter (i,j,k,...), or
   Default:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 15 16 17 18

 Pass 1 std dev deg 0.3715 std dev arc-sec total: 1337.5 HA: 1135.8 Dec:  706.4
 Pass 2 std dev deg 0.5325 std dev arc-sec total: 1917.0 HA: 1916.7 Dec:   32.2
 Pass 3 std dev deg 98296.7431 std dev arc-sec total: 353868275.0 HA: 353868275.0 Dec: 3263.4
 Pass 4 std dev deg 310137.9810 std dev arc-sec total: 1116496731.5 HA: 1116496728.7 Dec: 79320.8
 Pass 5 std dev deg 822038.3116 std dev arc-sec total: 2959337921.9 HA: 2959337908.1 Dec: 285497.4
 Pass 6 std dev deg 292603.3481 std dev arc-sec total: 1053372053.1 HA: 1053372052.0 Dec: 49194.1
 Pass 7 std dev deg 788416.9809 std dev arc-sec total: 2838301131.4 HA: 2838301131.4 Dec: 2467.7
 Pass 8 std dev deg 930633.4534 std dev arc-sec total: 3350280432.1 HA: 3350280432.1 Dec: 4998.5
 Pass 9 std dev deg 2703025.7891 std dev arc-sec total: 9730892840.9 HA: 9730892840.9 Dec: 4689.0
number of passes exceeded

Current Mount Model Parameters (snnn.nnnn Degrees
      601.2198  1  ENCODER ZERO POINT OFFSET (HA)       
        0.8525  2  ENCODER ZERO POINT OFFSET (Dec)      
     -1807.3077  3  X AXIS ROTATION COMPONENT (HA)       
     -2743.1346  4  Y AXIS ROTATION COMPONENT (HA)       
        0.2303  5  X AXIS ROTATION COMPONENT (Dec)      
        0.0271  6  Y AXIS ROTATION COMPONENT (Dec)      
     -959.1111  7  TRANSVERSE MISALIGNMENT   (HA)       
     -17540.0353  8  NON-ORTHOGONALITY         (HA)       
     -91476.5552  9  LINEAR HA                 (HA)       
       -1.1025  10 LINEAR HA                 (Dec)      
     -182.6735  11 FLEX 1                    (HA)       
     -8327.1949  12 FLEX 2                    (HA)       
        0.2894  13 FLEX 3                    (Dec)      
     19500.2282  14 (HA + OFFSET)**2          (HA)       
       -0.8626  15 COS(DEC)                  (Dec)      
        1.6049  16 SIN(DEC)                  (Dec)      
        0.0000  17 COS(HA)                   (HA)       
        0.0000  18 SIN(HA)                   (HA)       
        0.0000  19 [SPARE]                              
        0.0000  20 [SPARE]                              
*** Error opening file /data/star/mntm_s2708y2007d221t0524.data.recap
Save new parameters? ([y]|n): y
*** Error opening file /data/star/mntm_s2708y2007d221t0524.data.coef
*** Error opening file /data/star/mntm_s2708y2007d221t0524.data.zero
*** Error opening file /data/star/mntm_s2708y2007d221t0524.data.out