Electronics and Coding

Electronics Used:

  • Arduino Uno
  • High-Torque Servo 1501MG
  • Dual MC33926 Motor Driver Shield for Arduino
  • Solderless breadboard
  • 7.4 volt Li-ion battery
  • 12 volt power supply
  • Push button
  • 10k ohm resistors


When it came to designing the electronics for our robot, we used an Arduino so that we could actuate the motor and servo using push buttons. The Arduino libraries were simple and easy to learn, and allowed us to create the code that would meet our needs. The circuits that we made included push buttons for control and pins so that it could easily be attached directly to the arduino. A battery was added to power both the Arduino and the servo motor for the claw. The circuit can be seen here.

 Arduino Code

The code written for the servo and motor were very similar. Using the digital input pins on the Arduino, we detected for button presses and used IF statements to determine which button state would activate the motors. One button would increase motor/servo position while the other would decrease motor/servo position. A combination of the buttons would yield no result.